Stressed-Less Living Giveaway with Tracie Miles

Got stress?

Yeah, you do!

Today’s woman has stressers coming at her from many directions: home, work, mothering, marriage, finances, extended family, schedule, church and community commitments……WHEW!!! I’m stressed just reading that list!

My dear friend and ministry partner Tracie Miles has just released a woman’s go-to-guide for reducing stress and finding peace. Here is what I had to say after reading and advanced copy:

“Women today are stressed out. Whether dealing with cranky coworkers, colicky babies or controlling in-laws, at every turn we encounter more people, responsibilities and situations just waiting to sap our mental energy. The result? Jumpy nerves. Physical ailments. Racing minds. Tracie Miles has been there. Her story is one of a worn-out woman who finally learned how to unload her stress and find sweet rest instead. Her extensive research, biblical insight and practical solutions will help lead you out of the land of frazzle and straight into the presence of the Prince of Peace.”

For those of you feeling like the stress is just about to do you in, get a hold of this book! It it chock-full of so many helpful statistics and biblical advice. Reading it helped to calm even normally hyper me right down!

Click here to buy a copy.

Tracie is giving away a stress-reducing package to one of you that includes:

~ Signed copy of Stressed-Less Living

~ Pink Reading Light

~ Purple Spa Poof

~ Mini-manicure set

If you’d like to be entered in this great giveaway, leave a comment telling us what in your life causes you the greatest stress.

Winner announced Monday.


  1. What causes me the most stress… hmmmmm..where do I begin! First let me start by saying I love my family with ALL my heart. I am a home school mom, which I REALLY enjoy, but it can be stressful! I get up around 600 every morning, workout, make breakfast and make sure to start school before 9am. During school, I follow my lesson plans and depending on the day I might have to add some extra things to make learning fun and exciting!! While in between teaching, I make sure dishes are washed and put away, a load in the washer and rooms cleaned! You might be thinking that doesn’t seem to bad, oh but I assure you depending on the day can be stressful!! I LOVE what I do but some times I need a break 2!

  2. what stresses me the most is trying to be a good example for my 2 young girls. I want them to be the best they can be and I ‘m afraid I’m not doing a good enough job at it.

  3. Finances usually send me dashing to the shelter of Almighty God. I’m close to finishing my first year back in the workforce after being jobless for 2 years. While I’m earning a good wage now, the past years of unemployment and some serious health issues mean I’m carrying (or trying too often to carry) a load of debt. I know He will see me through this, yet sometimes I find myself stewing over the juggle of financial priorities. The peace under His wings is priceless and free. I pray by the time this season is in my rear-view mirror, I’ll have that lesson down. In the meantime, I’d love to win Tracie’s book and gifts. Reading and pampering are two stress-relievers I enjoy.


  4. I thought as my kids got older the stress would decrease. I have a son with depression and a son the got to college and has very extreme anger over not getting the grades he wants. I can hardly function some days thinking of all they are going through. We could all use prayer. Thank you so much.

  5. what stresses me the most is trying to be a good example for my 2 young girls. I want them to grow up to be the best they can be and I worry that I’m not doing a good enough job.

  6. What stresses me out the most is my daughter’s chronic, often life-threatening illness that after 3 years evades diagnosis (102 doctors don’t know what it is) and all the life disruptions, financial fallout, ended dreams associated with it. I am grateful that she is still here and there is still hope she will get better.

  7. My biggest stress is lack of time – working full time with three little ones, trying to run the household and particpate in a women’s ministry at church. Although after reading the other responses, I feel I should be grateful for the amount of stress I have (that it is not more). Thanks for all you do!

  8. What stresses me most? I am a “fixer”, and what stresses me most is trying to fix and control anything/everything/everybody that is or has a problem. Only when I realize that it’s not MY job to fix everything and everybody, and give each on to God, do I find peace. I’m much better at giving God control that I used to be, but like any bad habit, it will rear it’s ugly head whenever a situation comes along. My first instinct is always to try and “fix” it myself….and I have to stop and give it to God. My goal is for one day my first instinct to be to call on Him.

  9. Here I am in my 30’s and just have went back to at the moment, the workload ON TOP OF the kids, housecleaning, dinners, etc is beyond the point of stressing me out!!

  10. Circumstances that I can not control – stress me OUT. I have children ages 8, 11 & 20 — and am going to be a grandma this spring! We own our own business (which I do all the adminstrative aspects) and I homeschool my 2 younger ones. Stress is 24/7.

  11. Where to begin… work , being a mom of 4 kids, finances, running a home, homeschooling, soccer practices/games etc, the list doesn’t end. :) I think that life in general gets so busy that you really don’t know how too relax anymore!

  12. My biggest stress right now is adjusting to life as a divorced mom. MY daughter is 16 and starting to date. She also has many issues with anger at my ex husband and is lashing out.

  13. For me the biggest stresser is being unorganized. If I have things in order and list, I am more apt to relax and enjoy the ride…..even if things don’t go as planned. As long as I have a “go to” list to help me get things done and stay on track I am much more relaxed:)

  14. I get stressed easily by the daily demands of being a wife and mother. I always feel like I’m running a race but never finish! And with all the holidays coming up it always adds extra stress. But God is good and he always delivers me through whatever mountain I’m facing!

  15. “My Job”….BUT, I understand the Lord has put me here in his perfect timing for his perfect reason! And, that alone helps me day to day.

  16. My biggest stressor right now is having my daughter and her baby living with us. I love my daughter and the baby is a joy, but trying to keep up with housework is impossible. That stresses me out more than ANYTHING right now..

  17. We all need to have more peace from the Lord in our lives. Good reminders from a christian perspective book are always welcome in my heart.

  18. On top of all the stress (work,home,health,finances, family) I place another burden of being a Christian and not being able to allow the Lord to alleviate my daily stress. I feel ashamed that I carry it and have not learned to trust in all things nor not be anxious. I try so hard each day to be better, to work harder at letting go only to find myself at the end of the day, more weary, The atmosphere at work makes me so distressed no matter how hard I try to be a part, I am left out and it is very backstabbing there and it hurts me so much. I know it is increasing my health issues with Lupus..

  19. What doesn’t cause stress? I have 2 teenagers, a husband, house, and a job. My oldest wants nothing to do with the Lord.

  20. Finances are what stress me out the most! I’m always trying to control everything and that is one area that I really need to give to God. We’ve never had to do without any of the essentials and we’ve never been unable to pay our bills. This is just me trying to control something that isn’t mine to control.

  21. The greatest stress for me lately has been having to commute about 2hrs 30min to work and another 2hrs 30min from work daily, needing to move from my parents’ home but not enough money with my parents, not even the much(little) i am earning has been able to help me move, buy furniture and pay rent and not having much time for studying the Word, praying and bonding with my parents, siblings, niece and nephew who i’ve been living with.. :)
    but i still smile and thank God for the many things He is doing as this is happening and that His grace has been sufficient for me, His strength being made perfect when I’m weak.

  22. Wow, that is a loaded question-what causes me stress? Well I would have to say people pleasing, especially in our church ministries. That has really taken a toll on our marriage and God is showing me how to let go of all the other things so I can be a more godly wife. I am a works in progress and trusting Him to guide me in finishing the race well.

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