Want to Write a Book? Win a Free Call

Ever had a little dream tucked deep inside your heart to someday write a book?

Our Proverbs 31 next Step Speaker Services is offering a conference call on how to get started that I will be teaching.

Here are the details:

Writing a Bang-Up Book Proposal

Date: Thursday, February 7, 2013 at 8:00 pm EST.

Think you have a great book idea but absolutely no clue how to put together a book proposal that meets the standards of the publishing industry? Karen Ehman has written five books with three major publishers and is also hired to write book proposals for other potential authors.

In this informative and practical call she will highlight the key components that comprise a winning proposal and then give you the tools to craft one yourself. The call includes a sample book proposal template from Karen’s latest book being published by Zondervan. There will be plenty of time for Q & A

You can enter to win a free call (valued at $25) today by leaving a comment telling us if you’ve ever wanted to write a book. And, if you’d like, tell us what the book would be about.
You can enter through midnight on Friday. Please note: replying to the RSS feed by email doesn’t enter you. Please go to the post to leave a comment by clicking on the title of the post in your email. Thanks!
And if you’d like to purchase the call (or purchase the download to listen to later) click here.


  1. Yes, please! I’ll take a chance to win that call. I most definitely have a book that I want to write! This book has been written in my heart and I’m convinced the time is now! What is this book about? Why, purity, of course. Just don’t tell me the market is flooded with that topic. Sadly, this world is flooding our young people’s minds with messages contrary to the Bible. Yes, I believe a book about purity is needed.

  2. I’ve had in my heart for many years now, on writing a book about being a survivor of childhood molestation. At a young age, my dad sexually abused me for several years. Their was alot of mental abuse he used on me also besides the mental abuse of being molested by the very one most important man in my life as a child growing up. After it all came out, I was put in conseling-talking to people that said they understood how I felt but when I in return asked them if they’d also been molested their answer would always be “No.”. Well, I’m sorrt then but you couldn’t possibly understand!! With God’s help and strength, I want to help children and adults that have gone through this experience or is going through it now come to terms and learn how to handle all the many emotions you feel and with God’s mighty power help them heel. Although it’s something you never fully ‘get over’ (as some people try to insist that you do) and you have to live with it everyday in some sort of way, you still can live a very fullfilling and happy life with God’s help. Alot of times it just helps to know that you’re not the only one and that there are people that do understand what you’re going through and they made it. This is what inspires me to write a book, my first.

  3. Well……that’s me! That is so me…..I’m the one who has had a deep, deep tugging from the Lord to write a book. I have so much I feel lead to put on paper, but having some guidance would be a God Send. I even have a title already picked out! : )

  4. Recently I believe God has been calling me to write a devotional or Bible study. This conference call would really help me to better answer Gods call on my life.

  5. In 2005, my husband of 13 years told me he wanted to end our marriage. Although this was a shock to hear, it was of no real surprise, as we had been emotionally divorced for years. My world as I knew it came crashing down and I came to the end of myself and sought to know God in a way like never before. I experienced God as my loving Father, Christ as my Husband and best friend, and Holy Spirit as my Counselor, Comforter, and Teacher. I also gained understanding of who I am in Christ.
    Within 6 months, God performed many miracles in me and my husband, and redeemed our marriage. After overcoming separation and potential divorce through an intimate relationship with Christ, the Lord put it on my heart to write a book to help and encourage other marriages. This prompting has been “shelved” for over 5 years, waiting on God’s timing. Although we had an encouraging story, the Lord wanted to transform us by renewing our minds with His Word. In 2011 my husband left his successful business career and we moved to Colorado for us both to attend Bible School. This has been amazing preparation time, and now He is leading me to put it all in book form. I would love to have help in getting this project published. Blessings.

  6. I have thought about writing a book and then thought there is no way, yet I have others tell me you are going to write a book someday…..I would love to – just not sure how to put it all together to make sense. My book would be on Forgiveness and allowing God to fill the Voids and allowing God to help you forgive those whom have hurt you! Oh I could go on forever on this one ;)

  7. I have been brainstorming ideas about writing a book about how working moms can make it work: you CAN balance Christian walk, marriage, motherhood and work successfully. i am a believer that woman should try to be stay at home moms because we were created to take it on as our first ministry. However, some circumstances don’t allow it. I have 18 years experience, trials and errors, tons of ideas and scripture to walk through it. I’m actually a writing teacher and would love the opportunity to go through this process first hand so that I can share real-life experience with my students. :)

  8. My first thought to write a book came when I was 19 years old. I must admit, my desire at the time was motivated by anger. However, thirty one years later, it’s to glorify God! Initially I thought it would be pointless to write a book about my life, because no one knows who I am (therefore, they wouldn’t buy the book!). The older I get, and the more I endure, I realize the importance of writing the book for my children. I want them to know the COUNTLESS miracles God has worked in and through my life! I want the story to honor Him forever! Thank you for the opportunity!

  9. I would like to win the call to learn if my story is something that others might learn from. Through difficulties, I was brought closer to the Lord and have learned to trust in Him. It’s been heart breaking but amazing and beautiful.

  10. I’ve never wanted to write a book but feel that I’m being led to do so. I have started the devotionals and feel that there is more that God wants me to share. Not sure how to organize what is already written. One night while I was trying to go to sleep, I heard The Lord tell me clear as day what the book was to be called. I have struggled with one element but feel that God has once again pointed me in the right direction. I am looking forward to being used by Him to spread His Holy message.

  11. Ive wanyed to write a book, and had the idea swimming in the back of my mind, since middlw school. Would love to win this!

  12. I would LOVE the opportunity to get some direction on writing a book. I have had my title picked out for awhile. ” I Never Wanted My Own Weedwacker” is based on my blog through the past 2+ years since my hubby’s stroke, daughter’s chronic illness, and losing family members along the way. It is my story of God’s faithfulness and love and learning to keep one’s sense of humor through all things…..

  13. I so deeply desire to be an author one day. I’m not sure yet what type of Christian book I want to write. I have lots of topics I write down and had a blog but haven’t had the time to really get going on it. My youngest starts school in the fall, and I hope to take the free time during the day to finally start writing. My main goal is to point women to The Lord and share with them godly principles for daily living.

  14. From the looks of all the comments here, there are many of us with a desire to write. My passion to write started at an early age. I wrote my first novel at 13. I’ve written women’s Bible studies, two children’s book, a nonfiction book on the Proverbs 31 woman, and a total of four novels, and I’m working on my fifth. All unpublished at this point. :) I’d love the opportunity for the call.

  15. Yes, I’ve wanted to write a children’s book for a number of years, but I’ve never done anything about that desire. I would like it to be a Christian book for kids, possibly for the age range of 8 to 10.

  16. Sounds like a fun call. I’ve already written two novels but that’s not where my passion is. I want to write non-fiction books. My idea is for a devotional book titled “Beloved Daughter: Words From Your Heavenly Father”.

    My passion is to see women embrace God as their Father and live out their identity as His girl.

  17. I have wanted to write a book. Just haven’t taken the time to figure out what I would write about and even where to start.

  18. I desire to write a book and am working on it now, but I have so much to learn like book proposal?!? I just thought I had to finish the book… Ugh! Anyways, the current book is about lessons on Christian living based on Sunday school songs.

  19. Have a theme in mind for my book. Mainly, to make it simple, it is based on the scripture, Zechariah 13:6 (KJVS)
    And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, “Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.”
    Kindness that heals and what that really looks like, is part of that theme.

    Thank you for this opportunity.

  20. I’ve actually written a book already, but getting to the next step has me stuck. It’s a sci-fi/fantasy murder mystery. Winning this conference call would be an honor and a blessing and I wanted to thank you for this chance to enter!

  21. Hi. I have thought at times that I want to write a book some day to help other people figure out how to get through emotional issues with the aid of thankfulness and praise.
    I have written in journals and have quite a collection.

  22. Book/Bible Study
    I have one Bible study I’ve already written and would love to pitch it to a publisher but not really sure of my first step.
    I’m currently writing my second Bible study and would like to pitch that idea as well.
    I’ve taught the first study at a retreat and will teach the one I’m currently writing at a retreat this year as well.

  23. I’ve been told so many times I should just write, to keep writing and to never stop. I sometimes re-read what I wrote and I can’t even believe it came from my so called “pea” brain :) Any ways, I would love to write a book that could help others in knowing that the grass is not greener on the other side, lust never wins over love, and the 7th Commandment is not to be messed with in any case. 3 failed marriages and an attempted suicide couldn’t have taught me that more. So, God willing this story be told to help others than maybe this is the first step in that journey. Either way, I’ll be joining in the teleconference!! Thanks and have a blessed day!!

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