Announcing Encouragement for Today Devotional from Proverbs 31

P31devobook_1024x1024I am so excited I can hardly sit still!

{Then again. I rarely do sit still!}

Announcing our new devotional book from Proverbs 31 Ministries: Encouragement for Today: Devotions For Everyday Living.

A few devotions by me and  a ton more from some of my FAVORITE women on earth!!

Here is the official dealio on this FABULOUS spiritual growth tool:

Pull away from the things that pull you down and find lasting encouragement for today.

Lysa TerKeurstRenee SwopeSamantha Evilsizer and the women at Proverbs 31 Ministries offer 100 devotions of wit, wisdom, and encouragement for women.

For twenty years the P31 team has equipped and encouraged nearly a million women to live in the power of God’s truths that apply to their everyday life. Written by women from every walk of life, you will find inspiration to live authentically and fully grounded in the Word of God.

The P31 Team shares from the realities of everyday life including highs and lows, humorous stories and tender moments. You will be drawn toward the truths God offers and enabled to rise above and become all God created you to be.

Leave a comment here telling us what YOU like to do/read/listen to when you spend time alone with God. Three winners will receive a free copy of this new book!


  1. I love devotionals to read before or after I spend quality time with God. I practice spending an hour of silence and solitude with God daily – no background noise, no reading, just listening to God.

  2. I like for things to be really quiet..or lightly playing some worship music or old hymns. But I have a hard time focusing as is, so I cant do it when my kids are around or too much going on around me ;)
    This book looks awesome! I would love to win it :)

  3. I like to listen to Positive Encouraging K-Love, for my devotion. I like that along with the positive stories, sometimes I hear from an artist on why they wrote a song, or what touched them, and I am always writing down bible verses that I hear that speak to my heart. As a matter of fact, I found Proverbs 31 by listening to K-Love :)

  4. Though I give Him moments of thanks throughout my day, I always have quiet time before I go to bed. Whether it is reading something inspirational or just praying quietly, I need it to quiet my mind and become thankful.

  5. I like to have my quiet time with lots of quiet around me, so I can lean in and listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit as I read the Word or pray in the morning time. Later on, I’ll put on Christian music to cover the house with His presence all throughout the day. I’d love to read this devotional!

  6. I love quiet when I’m reading my devotional or doing a Bible Study. The quiet helps me focus on the Word and God’s truth :-) Thank you Karen!!

  7. When I have my alone time with God, it’s early in the morning, so I have fresh coffee and the current bible study from Good Morning Girls with me. During just regular time I will likely have KLOVE streaming. Unless I’m in the car, then it’s on the radio since they got a frequency in my area a couple of years ago now. I no longer have to listen to more talking and commercials than music.

  8. I really enjoy my coffee in the morning and quiet, so I can just be in the word or in prayer and not have any distractions or interruptions.

  9. I read my “through the year Bible”, a devotional, or Bible Study materials that I’m currently working on. I really need to work on being completely still before God so that He can speak.

  10. I LOVE to listen to KLOVE before and/or after my alone, “quiet” time with the Lord!! I think of it as preparing my heart… and I love the verse in the Bible about “enter into His courts with Praise”. I usually do use a devotional book to help lead my quiet time, because I find that whatever book that I’m reading, God has already placed into my path for just the right time I’ve needed it!!! Sometimes, though, I will feel led to just read the Bible. Since I still feel somewhat immature and “weak’ in my spiritual walk with the Lord, I don’t know the best of ways to really study God’s word, but on the days God’s led me to *just read* His word, He always, ALWAYS provides spiritual discernment as well!! Its sooooo amazing!! I’m so thankful for this awesome gift!! I love to have my quiet time with God outdoors, weather permitting, because I’m surrounded by HIS beautiful nature and creation, and its where not just my body~ but where my soul~ can truly breathe!! I am sooooo looking forward to getting my hands on THIS new devotional!! I just KNOW this will be such a blessing!! Thank you for this opportunity!! May God continue to bless you and your ministry!!

  11. Start early anywhere from 4:15 to 5 a.m. sitting at a table by my window in my bonus room. I love to write in my journal – thanking Him for all He is doing in my life; to read Jesus Calling and reflect on the scriptures for the day. I’ve been reading Proverbs 31 daily e-mails for years (I can’t even tell you how many) and I tell everyone I know about them. I love messages on tape to listen to in the car and also read and listen Christian fiction. It’s incredible how He will speak to me if I will just seek and listen.

  12. My time with God is that small window of time, when my feet hit the floor. It is before anyone else rises from their night’s slumber. God, me, and my first cup of coffee… Trying to start the day off right!

  13. I like to focus on a scripture or passage then I write thoughts I have about it. I have been reading a book on Discerning Gods Voice and it has given me practical tips on how to sit and be quiet and not just talk at God but listen.

  14. When I spend time alone with God, I like to sit out on the deck with the sound of the birds chirping and the waterfall in the pond. Gives me time to decompress. :-)

  15. I love to get up before everyone else and make me a cup of coffee, I’ll normally be reading a book and then feel Him prompt me to stop and really soak in what I just read so then I sit and and listen, hear what He has to say about what I read and I don’t continue to read until He tells me I finally got it.

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