Announcing Encouragement for Today Devotional from Proverbs 31
I am so excited I can hardly sit still!
{Then again. I rarely do sit still!}
Announcing our new devotional book from Proverbs 31 Ministries: Encouragement for Today: Devotions For Everyday Living.
A few devotions by me and a ton more from some of my FAVORITE women on earth!!
Here is the official dealio on this FABULOUS spiritual growth tool:
Pull away from the things that pull you down and find lasting encouragement for today.
Lysa TerKeurst, Renee Swope, Samantha Evilsizer and the women at Proverbs 31 Ministries offer 100 devotions of wit, wisdom, and encouragement for women.
For twenty years the P31 team has equipped and encouraged nearly a million women to live in the power of God’s truths that apply to their everyday life. Written by women from every walk of life, you will find inspiration to live authentically and fully grounded in the Word of God.
The P31 Team shares from the realities of everyday life including highs and lows, humorous stories and tender moments. You will be drawn toward the truths God offers and enabled to rise above and become all God created you to be.
Leave a comment here telling us what YOU like to do/read/listen to when you spend time alone with God. Three winners will receive a free copy of this new book!
I sooo enjoy journaling, reading my KJV Bible while I listen to the ESV bible on my iPhone & LOVE listening to Kim Walker Smith – Jesus Culture. All with my Almighty Daddy. (:
I usually start my day with a cup of coffee and reading “God Calling” by AJ Russell. I have been reading this devotional for most of the past 15 years. I also enjoy my daily reading of Diamonds in the Dust by Joni Eareckson Taxa. Then I either pull out The Word Among Us for the daily mass readings and meditations or my current Bible study book (right now it is Julie Gillies “Prayer For a Woman’s Soul), Bibles and my journal. My real “quiet ” times take place in my car on my way to work or anywhere…sometimes listening to KLove or sometimes in silence. My day ends as I relax reading Proverbs31 devotions, ladies’ blogs or more Bible study…but my favorite time of all is on Friday nights from 11:00 pm to 1:00 am as I spend time in the Lord’s Presence in Eucharistic Adoration where I can just be with Him…I fondly call it “Hanging out with the Lord!” I often dream that I could just spend every waking moment with my Triune God…what a dream fulfilled that would be! Sorry to go on so long but spending time with my Lord Jesus is very important to me! God bless you all!
I enjoy re-reading notes from church or bible study notes.
I like to be in a quiet place in the house, or outside sitting in the grass to have quiet time with God. The new books looks great!
I would love it..
Hi Karen! I love having praise and worship music in the background while reading my bible and daily P31 devotion. Music seems to get my heart and mind ready to receive God’s message and instruction.
I would love a copy of this book. Thanks for the giveaway. In this season of life with young kids, one of the biggest encouragements to me is listening to podcasts on the radio. Focus on the Family, Revive Our Hearts etc. I can listen while I do the dishes etc. I also am encourage and challenged in my walk with the Lord when reading books/devotionals by other moms.
Oh, sister, I could use this book! I try to wake up early before my husband and kids to spend some quiet time with God. I read the Bible, but with no real direction. I know I must work on this. My challenge is my consistency and blocking everything else out. Looking forward to this devotional blessing many women around the world!
Reading the Bible, praying and reading devotionals primarily by Dr. Charles Stanley, of Intouch Ministries, and Moody Bible Institute are the ways I spend time alone with God.
I would love to have this book to encourage me to spend time in God’s word.
I like listening to Christian radio speakers and music. I really like the devotionals from proverbs 31 cause some days they speak so clear and go along with other things God is showing me. I can take one of the scriptures and write it on a 3×5 card to read over it during the day.
I like to sit in my favorite chair with a cup of coffee and close my eyes to focus and hear God. I was recently introduced to your Facebook page and would love the chance to grow with your new devotional publication…Thank you.
I love peace and quiet for reading devotions and journaling. I start that before anyone else wakes up. Then K-love during commute.
I like listening to worship music and books written by other female Christian authors that both discuss issues we face day to day and that help me grow and learn more about the bible..
If my time is in the car KLove is on. Morning time I’m reading all the emails I get from the wonderful women at P31. Evening time it’s the bible the journal and quiet time to reflect. If I get a moment of quiet outside time I code my eyes and focus on sounds of nature the smells and quiet my mind as it floats away from the daily grind and listen for Him
I need peace and quiet for my time with GOD. Currently,I work on a Bible study on prayer during my devo time. However, each morning I read the P31 devo for the day and the print version of the radio broadcast. I am also reading a book on comfort and will hopefully soon, start a book recommended to me on boundaris in marriage. Most important for me is my prayer time. During this period of trial God is my c.f. comfort,my father, my only hope and source of wisdom.
Looks like such a lovely book of devotions Jesus is so kind to lead me to devotionals They are such guidelines to usher in His voice & love :) I use the ACTS method most days before I read my Buble & pray A=You adore Him & say all His beautiful names & C=.Confess your sins & repent T= Enter into His courts of thanksgiving & thank Jesus for everything you can think of Then S = Is your supplication of prayer requests I love doing ACTS as it covers everything! I love to sit outside in my adirondack chair under my patio cover A huge walnut tree is in front of me with many dones & squirrels. & cardinals I have to watch I can stay there too long but too long is never enough with Jesus
I love to sit quietly and read devotions or the Bible. Such peace comes over me at these times. Since I am in the later years of my life, I can listen to praise and worship music while I am doing my chores with no interruptions. My kids are all grown so I have a lot of time to stay focused on my Heavenly Father. My mother passed away last week so my devotions are extra comforting to me at this time.
I look forward to my P31 Devotion every morning. I love listening go praise music in my alone time.
Proverbs 31 always knows has exactly what I need… I am excited to get this new devotional and spend that quiet time. My quiet time is alone in my room, just me and my Bible/devotional book and the Lord…..after everyone is in bed. Just to be quiet before the Lord.
I love praise and worship music to get my quiet time started then reading God’s word.
Currently, my quiet time involves journaling and reading the book Wife After God.
One challenge I have is to “Be Still and Know that I am God”. I have to make a conscious effort, and still my mind may wander. One thing I do love to add are the ‘OLD’ hymns on YouTube. George Beverly Shea singing In the Garden or How Great Thou Art reminds me of simpler days and stills my mind of making lists. I would love the new book of Devotionals and thank you for your generous giving.
Usually I read Streams in the Desert as I start and then read my Bible. Sometimes going back in my notes and sometimes pulling out other translations or looking something up. I would love to read a new Devo.
I really love Priscilla Shirer’s Bible Studies and am doing Gideon right now. I have already ordered this new devotional from Amazon, but would love a copy for my friend who is a missionary in New Guinea to put in their Christmas box!