Announcing FREE 5 Days to Sweet & Salty Speech

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Welcome to those of you who made your way here after reading my Proverbs 31 Ministries devotion today entitled The $285 Cinnamon Roll. {If you haven’t read this tale of how a $3.29 pastry ended up costing my 16-year-old a whoppin’ $285— and the lesson it teaches us— click here to so.}


Got words? Oh yeah, you do! The average women speaks over 20,000 a day—not to mention the ones she types online. I—being a woman whose words have often landed her in a heap of trouble— share from experience the how’s (and how-not-to’s) of dealing with the tongue in my new book Keep It Shut . Using biblical examples, as well as my own personal (and sometimes painful!) stories, Keep It Shut will equip you to know what to say, how best to say it, and when you’d better just keep your lips zipped!

This book will teach you:

  • The difference between gossip and properly processing with a trusted friend
  • A helpful grid for using our digital tongues as we talk online or on social media
  • How to pause before you pounce, attacking the problem but not the person
  • How to avoid saying something permanently painful just because you are temporarily ticked off
  • What the Bible teaches about making our speech laced with grace, as sweet as honey, and yet seasoned with salt

If you are interested in a free resource based on the topic of this book, I am offering a five day e-mail devotional called 5 Days to Sweet & Salty Speech: 5 People in the Bible. 5 Lessons for our Lips. I figured right before the holiday season was a good time for all of us to have a little encouragement on watching our words!

Each day for five days, starting with the day you sign up, you will receive a short devotional based on a person in the Bible who either use their words properly and we should emulate them, or they used their words poorly and we should avoid such behavior. Well-known characters such as David. But also some who aren’t as readily recognized like Abigail, Boaz, and a man named Mordecai. The final day looks at the words of Nicodemus and Jesus. Each day also has a “Lesson for our Lips” challenge of something to do {or not to do!} with our words.

Sign up here to receive the free 5 Days to Sweet & Salty Speech resource from Karen Ehman, author of KEEP IT SHUT: What to Say, How to Say It & When to Say Nothing at All

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  1. Oh my goodness, He’s and ON TIME GOD….Yes HE is! I just had a case of “open mouth…insert foot” at work on Wednesday. A student overheard me basically correct another employee on a mistake she made. It hurt his feelings so much that he wrote an email to my boss about it and how disappointed he was. Even as adults, God reprimands us and it is up to us to turn it around, repent and apologize for it, and make it right. I was so ashamed of myself. But also thankful. I do not want to be judged by wrong actions or behaviors. I want to be a woman of integrity and character. I want to be a quiet and gently spirit…a woman of God’s High Calling! I would LOVE to have this book and teach this study at my church!

  2. As a 50 year old woman, I have purchased far too many “cinnamon rolls”. I am thankful for God’s grace and forgiveness. It seems like I am constantly on the road to redemption so often, but for me I am thankful I learn lessons as I go. Thank you for the opportunity for this giveaway, I am certain I was lead here learn a lesson.

  3. I am constantly wandering away from God , trying to control my life and royally messing things up. I need to learn how to be in subjection to Him. Help!

  4. I’m actually headed to a funeral with the potential for speculation and mean words to be said. Praying everyone will have Grace and learn to just leave it alone. In grief and pain we do not need anymore extra words spoken to hurt and harm.

  5. This was definitely meant for me today. I’m dealing with a lot of pull trying to do what God has intended but allowing others to pursway me in a different direction. I’m battling with this and I need to learn to use the proper wording to express myself because clearly I’m not doing a good enough job on my own!

  6. Oh my “word” Karen, this is so timely. From the cable guy to the relationships at church that need to be handled with loving (but perhaps firm!) words, I need help! Thank you for your ministry. :)

  7. Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to win as I often struggle with my mouth! Funny that I was just reading in James this morning about taming the tongue. God indeed does have a sense of humor!

  8. I have a lot of trouble giving up control. I am working in my daily devotionals to trust God and hand all my worries to him. The post today was perfect to where I was. Thanks. I am going to save up for this book.

  9. Thank you for this devotional! I struggle with keeping my mouth shut so I’m looking forward to the next 5 days.
    I would love the Let It Go devotional!

  10. I have gotten so that I watch my words so carefully that I too often say nothing at all. Since silence speaks volumes, and usually not accurately, I’m looking forward to learning how to say what I need to say without hurting others, or ending up hurt myself. Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom with others of us whose tongues can get ahead of our brains.

  11. With 2 teenagers and a preteen, “keeping it shut” is a moment by moment struggle that I usually fail at. I frequently revert to my inner teenager in “discussions”. :) I have felt convicted about this recently and am excited for your devotional to help! Thank you!

  12. You are such a blessing!!! Love your blog, books & talks!! Just listened to you on Focus on the Family! Would love, LOVE to win!

  13. At the present time I so need to park on this theme of releasing control and trusting God. Now is the time for both LET IT GO and KEEP IT SHUT. I always appreciate your transparency, Karen.

  14. This study sounds great that everyone would benefit from. Than you letting The Lord use you in such a mighty way and for being real.

  15. I was talking to a friend of mine about starting a devotional together so we could bounce our thoughts and ideas off of each other. This would give me a chance to interact with more ladies!!

  16. I am just impulsive and outspoken and my words get me in trouble a lot!! The devotion sounds great and I would love to read the book with my Bible study group.

  17. Thank you for that devotion…..I’m excited for the 5 day devotion. I used to be pretty good at keeping my mouth shut and not saying something unless it was nice. I seem to be struggling with that right now.

  18. thank you for this! Gossip Has long been a struggle for me. I didn’t come to have a relationship with Jesus until I was
    27, so I spent the majority of my life gossiping with no remorse. Now, when I get upset
    I start out just discussing with a trusted friend, and sending time in my head wondering if
    What I just did or said was ok with the Lord. Did I just gossip
    Or was I working through something Gods way? Having a resource to help me work through that would
    Be amazing. Thank you for this!

  19. The timing of reading this post and hearing about your new book is divinely ordered. My heart sometimes knows what it needs to say but my mouth doesn’t always let it out the way it should be said. Having been given tools and directions from God on how to say things in a respectful and loving not hurtful way is sometimes the hardest thing to do. Especially when you know the truth and have been hurt. My prayer is that anyone who encounters your blog, book and devotional will be strengthened to speak respectfully out of His Love even when we think we can’t.

  20. Love this….”difference between gossip and properly processing with a trusted friend”, there’s a big lesson right there. When women get together there needs to be boundaries because conversations can quickly turn to gossip and they are justified by “christian concern, which is really just plain old gossip! Thanks for your perspective and encouragement!

  21. I love the saying “Pause before you Pounce” No matter how young or old you are, pausing before we say something is so crucial as once it is said, it is permanent! We can’t take it back!

  22. Home life hasn’t been so pretty lately. Praying our relationship with our one child goes better. I need help with self-control of my tongue as too often I get pulled into a battle of words with this child.

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