Moms! Pressing Pause Devotion Releases Today {Giving Away 5 Copies!}
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Welcome to you joining by finding your way here from my Proverbs 31 Ministries devotion today called Where Does a Mom Go to Resign? {To read it, click here but be sure to come back for the giveaway!}
I am so excited to be releasing my 9th book today! Pressing Pause: 100 Quiet Moments for Moms to Meet with Jesus is a devotional book for moms. Once upon a time, just last spring, this is what the idea looked like:

I coauthored this book with my friend Ruth Schwenk from The Better Mom. Here is the description:
Kids bickering? Schedule jam-packed? Dishes and laundry both piled up high? Perhaps it’s time you pressed pause.
Whether you’re juggling a career, kids’ schedules, and church commitments or you’re covered in spit-up and anxious about what the next eighteen years might hold, you can carve out a few quiet moments to rejuvenate your spirit.
Pressing Pause offers you a calm way to start your day, to refresh yourself in Jesus and drink deeply of His presence so that you are ready to pour out love, time, and energy into the people who matter most to you.
These 100 encouraging devotions for moms will help you begin each day with scripture, drawing on God’s power, ingesting His Word, and learning practical ways to love and serve more like His son.
Just a few minutes each day can help you center your heart and mind on what God has for you as His beloved daughter. So resist the rush. Halt the hustle. Press pause and find some calm in the chaos.
To celebrate the release of Pressing Pause, I am giving away 5 copies!!
Winners will be chosen from among those who comment on this post. Leave us a comment letting us know what your life as a mom looks like. How many kids? Ages? Are you a stay-at-home mom, work outside the home or have a home business? {Winners chosen 4/5)
My hubby and I have 2 children, an 11 year old girl and a 9 year old boy. He recently retired from the military and is now working for an airline. To say he is gone a lot is an understatement. I recently started working part time out of the home, so that has added a new dynamic to our household. I need to learn to pause with Jesus, because usually when I stop for a moment I end up zoning out on social media then I have a hard time getting much of anything done after that. It zaps my desire to get any more done.
I am a mom to four beautiful blessings from God. They are 19,14,11, and 9. I am grateful to be a momma even though some days are very hard. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.
My life as a full-time homemaker & temporary part-time technical consultant (at home) is full of whirlwind days and special quiet times with my 5-year-old daughter. I enjoy spending slow times with her and the activities she finds interesting and fun. I don’t like the days when we “have to” do chores because I feel stressed and grumpy while trying not to make it so mundane for my daughter. I know when she’s not “happy” when we go down “my” to-do list. I try to not fill our days with “have to’s” and commitment after commitment, esp. when she wants multiple play dates in one day. :)
Homeschooling mom to two beautiful and busy children, 9 and 6. Army wife to my sweet pilot husband of 11 years. Preparing for another deployment coming soon. Would love this devotional to start my days!
I’m a working mom with 2 adult children, expecting our first grandchild in June!
I have 3 kids-13, 11, and 8 and I don’t work outside the home. I jokingly say that instead of being a stay at home mom, I am a drive up and down the road mom! The new book looks terrific-I can’t wait to read it!
SAHM to 3 kids (5 years, 3 years, and 3 months). Our life is chaotic and messy but oozes love and laughter. Right now we are working through new schedules as my husband started an new job and I have been trying to find some alone time to get my head straight each day. As a mom navigating through Post-partum depression a quiet moment with Jesus is vital to create a “good” day for all of us.
My life as a mom is filled with BOYS! I AM SURROUNDED! :) I have a 3 yo and an 8 yo. I’m work full time but am blessed to work at home. My husband and I made the decision this year to homeschool so our oldest is home with us all day. This allows little time for “me” time. I’m up before everyone else to get some quiet time with God before the madness of the day sets in. I would love to learn how to build in more time with Him and create a better life for my family and me. ?
I am not a mom, but would love to gift this book to my sister who is an amazing mom to 3 beautiful kids; 10, 8, and 2. She has very little time for herself between being a stay at home mom and helping her husband host and train numerous people for the mission field…in their home, none the less. She’s just as amazing as they come.
I am a single Mom of 2 very active girls! One is a Freshman in college this year (which is whole different need for quiet time) and the younger is a very involved junior in high school. Both keep me on my toes but I love every minute of it! I work full time, as well as support their activities. Very little time left for me, so I’ve learned to try to grab moments with I can. I think the need for this book is great – for every Mom!
I am mom to a wild and crazy 6-year old boy and a 14-year old girl that is a social butterfly. I work full-time as a legal assistant and my husband is disabled. I have very little support at home from my children or my husband so my stress level is through the roof a lot. On days that my kids are bickering, no one wants to help mom with anything but have to have mom’s help immediately, I struggle with keeping it together. Any guidance or input given, would be a huge blessing. I appreciate the opportunity.
I am a full-time working mom of 3 (soon to be 4) children. 2 boys (8,5) and 1 girl (23 months). My husband travels for a living and is gone 90%+ of every month. It’s hard. And I often times feel myself struggling for strength and a daily peace of our craziness. Would love the opportunity to win a book. Desperately needing this right now!! Thanks for the chance!! :)
I have two little ones, 3 and 1.5 and another on the way. Motherhood right now is finding patience and grace with my little ones, which I’ll admit is a little overwhelming right now. But it still does have it’s moments where I’m surrounded by the love that only two toddler’s can give! I’m at home and do a little bit of work from home once everyone is fast asleep.
As a grandmother of SIX, all under 3 except one that is eight, I have a daughter and daughter in love that I would love to give this to if I win. What a blessing it would be to them!
I love your books Karen and would love for them to read them also. This one looks great!
I’m a mom of two, my daughter is 13 and my son is 11. I keep busy as a stay-at-home mom juggling elementary school and middle school schedules, keeping house, and leading a women’s prayer group. I would love to win a copy of this book to read through and then share with other moms in my life so that we can all be blessed and refreshed :)
I am a Mississippi mom of two…a fifteen year old son and an eleven year old daughter. I teach at a private school where they attend, and I am actually my daughter’s teacher.
Currently, our family is packing to move in 1 month 1,830 miles to the West in obedience to our Father, who is calling us to be church planters.
Life is crazy. We are packing, working, and finishing up several roles as ministry leaders at our home church.
I could def use #pressingpause !!!
2 kids, work full time. I am on Spring Break right now — thankful to press pause this week!
Mom of 5! Three boys 17,16,16 (twins are 9 1/2 months older than our oldest) and two girls 14 and 11. Right now I am a taxi driver to my children and a homeschool momma. Our oldest works and just got his driving permit. He works everyday (but Sundays of course) at Chick Fil A. He also has reduced school schedule so I am driving him to and from school each day. Our twins are in sports Tennis and Wrestling. They also host a Chess club at school. One of our twins is also in Expolorers. Everyday I am driving to pick them up. Our oldest daughter is a volunteer at the Library and is involved in their sewing and cooking class. Our youngest is in Tennis and Golf at our local school. Also all teens but the oldest are in the youth worship band and the youngest is in children’s worship band. My day is crazy especially after 4pm. Teens wanting to learn to drive, money for this sport, coach bought lunch I need $10, we got our uniforms I need $100, graduation pictures, senior this or that. It never ends. This season in life is very different to the baby, toddler and elementary age. Life just got thrown it speed of Mock 10. I love it and wouldn’t trade it for anything! So Pressing Pause is very needed in this time.
I have a one year old that I am blessed to stay at home with! I keep eyeing this book and I would love to win a copy! Thanks for the opportunity!
I am a working mom to a 5 year old little boy my husband and I adopted about 2 years ago through foster care. Working full time and becoming an instant mom to a toddler was quite an adjustment. I love listening and learning from long time moms who have techniques and advice that would bless me as I walk this new journey of motherhood.
I am a first time mom and am very blessed (and a bit looney at times) to be able to stay home to watch my daughter grow. I’m sure I’m not the only mom who wonders if she’s doing a good job but I find this question going through my mind more than anything else. My daughter is 1 year old and my house is a wreck with all the dishes and laundry piled up and her toys strewn about the house, but my heart is full. I’m looking forward to getting my hands on this book at some point when I splurge on myself. I’d love to be able to press pause for a change.
Hi Karen! I’m Angie…mom of 4…MIL of 2…Mimi of 3 girlies. Life as a mom is never ending and always evolving….I’m a writer and a teaching staff member….and I’d love to win this giveaway…love your books!
I have 4 kids, 18, 15, 12, & 8! Life is very busy as a mom. I am a stay at home mom. I also help my husband run his barbershop. Daily life starts at 6:00am and doesn’t normally stop until 12am. Most days I feel like I pass God on the way out the door doing all my running and I run on pure exhaustion. I need to hit pause more often but most days I don’t even know where to do that or what it would even look like. I love God and I talk to him all day long…shower, car line, bank line, running the never ending errands and mom taxi. I need a date with God. Daily. Just him and I. I love being a mom and wife and so blessed to be able to stay home!!
I just became a mom for the first time three months ago! I stopped working so I can be at home with her full time:) My mom friends and I are desiring to use a devotional that applies to our daily lives!
Hi! I’m mom to 3 kiddos! My son is 19, my daughters are 14 and 9. I’m a stay-at-home mom, a hockey mom, a cheer mom and a softball mom. This past hockey season, I was also a billet mom to 3 hockey players. So I had 4 hockey players playing on 2 different teams, Cheer practice and softball practice to juggle every week, plus games on weekends! it was extremely crazy at times, but I wouldn’t change it for anything. I sat and did my devotions every morning before things got busy. I really feel that having this quiet time helps throughout the day! I think it is so important for moms to press pause! I wish I had discovered this 19 years ago!