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12 Days of Christmas (2017) – Day 8


10th Annual #12DaysofChristmas Giveaways (2017) at karenehman.com.


One of you WHO COMMENTS ON ALL TWELVE POSTS AND ALSO SHARES ABOUT THE SERIES ON SOCIAL MEDIA will win a grand prize from me, pictured here.

10th Annual #12DaysofChristmas Giveaways (2017) at karenehman.com.

REMEMBER…in order to win the grand prize, you must leave a comment on all 12 posts. You can start with Day One HERE.

OK, let’s get started with an author whose latest book I had the honor of endorsing. The holidays can be hard for those who are grieving. Today’s guest has some ideas for those of you who long to reach out to someone struggling with sorrow this year. Meet our eighth day’s guest, Ashleigh Slater!


3 Gift Ideas for the Friend Who Is Grieving

Maybe this Christmas, someone close to you grieves a loss. Perhaps it’s the death of a loved one. It might be unemployment, a difficult medical diagnosis, or the end of a relationship.

How can you tangibly love them this Christmas? Here are three gift ideas.

1. Grocery Store Gift Card

Loss makes everyday tasks, such as feeding ourselves and our families, harder. It’s more difficult to find the motivation, and sometimes finances, to go grocery shopping.

Give your friend a gift card to her favorite market. If it also delivers, that’s even better.

Why a gift card instead of shopping for her? I always go cheaper and don’t pick specialty items if someone else is paying. A gift card offers freedom from this concern.

2. Coffee Care Package

Sipping a hot drink on a cold day is often physically and emotionally comforting. I know it has been for me during seasons of loss. Here’s the thing: Although you can’t remove sorrow, you can provide a little bit of “normalcy” in the midst of grief.

Put together a basket of coffee goodies. Be sure to include her favorite blend, and maybe add a new coffee grinder. Pick out a mug that caters to her personal style, and throw in some biscotti or chocolate too.

3. Cozy Slipper Socks and a Fireside Read

After our miscarriage, I constantly wore the socks the hospital gave me. For some reason, they helped soothe me.

Bless your friend with a pair of cozy slipper socks. My current favorites are by Jane and Bleeker, and are available on Amazon.

Also include a hope-filled book from this list of fireside reads. If your friend is a reader, she may find solace in the written words of others.

While there are other gifts you can give a friend who’s grieving, these ideas are a few of my favorites.

Day Eight Giveaway

For the 12 Days of Christmas series, I am giving away one copy of my book, Braving Sorrow Together, and a bag of Thrasher Coffee’s Christmas Blend. It’s roasted in my local area. Last, slipper socks from Jane and Bleeker. I’m confident you’ll love these as much as I do!

10th Annual #12DaysofChristmas Giveaways (2017) at karenehman.com.

Ashleigh Slater is the author of the books, Braving Sorrow Together: The Transformative Power of Faith and Community When Life is Hard and Team Us: The Unifying Power of Grace, Commitment, and Cooperation in Marriage. She loves to combine the power of a good story with practical application to encourage and inspire readers. Learn more at AshleighSlater.com. Also, connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.




12 Days of Christmas Giveaways Rules

  1. You can comment on all 12 days (once per person) up until midnight Pacific time, Sunday, December 17. All posts are linked on Day One here.
  2. U.S. Addresses only please.
  3. One daily winner will be chosen from each day’s comments and all winners (including Grand Prize) will be announced on Wednesday, December 20.
  4. Share the giveaway with your friends and followers using the share buttons below.
  5. If you’re not already subscribed, click here and receive an email notification each day of our series.


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  1. As someone who is struggling with sorrow in her own life, and has found so much comfort in community, I think I need to read this book.

  2. After experiencing a lot of loss these gifts would mean a lot, and just to know that your not forgotten by others means the most at holidays and the rest of the year.

  3. Thank you so much for these beautiful ideas. My mother has been grieving the loss of her parents, and, although I am with her as much as I can be, I was struggling with how to make her Christmas a little more joyous. She’s an avid reader, so I’m looking forward to providing her with some extra comfort. Thank you.

  4. I was praying for guidance on who to bless this holiday season, and ended up having a conversation with a grieving mother today. This was so timely, and I now know who to bless and how. Thank you!

  5. Thank you for these ideas. My sister lost her husband this past year, and I’ve been struggling with how to minister to her. She’s very private and doesn’t share her feelings very often. A basket of comfort and a note might be of some help for her.

  6. why do we get so wrapped up in our busyness to remember to do things for those who grieve…..we do as a church but as individuals we should do this also… those slippers sound wonderful…( i will need to check amazon)

  7. Day 8 for me: This couldn’t have come at a better time for me. On Friday I am going to my girlfriend’s son’s funeral. I had no idea of what I could take to her to help her and her family through this terrible situation, especially during this time of the year. He was a young man who lost his fight to cancer, leaving behind a young wife and two young children. Thank you for the socks and lost of books ideas. They are so greatly appreciated!!!

  8. My mom stepped into the arms of Jesus just 2 months ago, so this book would certainly be appreciated, if I were to win it!

  9. Dear Ashleigh – Thanks for the thoughtful ideas on helping someone who is grieving, especially for the first time they are going through the holidays and their is a big hole in their heart.

  10. I love that when you speak of someone who “grieves a loss,” you include “unemployment, a difficult medical diagnosis, or the end of a relationship.” There are different kinds of grief. Some times something hits us really hard, and no one else even realizes it. I also loved your ideas. My favorites were the grocery store gift card (so practical and so needed at different times in my life) and the cozy slipper socks (Love!).

  11. What sweet ideas! I love that! I can’t wait until our finances allow us to bless others more than we currently are able…

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