We Need More Spotters
“We need more spotters!” I called to the girls on my cheerleading squad. We were attempting to build a new mount, one where the girl on the top of the pyramid would be tossed into the air before being caught…
Looking for a Bible reading companion that will help you spend time with God each day? Check out 52 Weeks in the Word.
“We need more spotters!” I called to the girls on my cheerleading squad. We were attempting to build a new mount, one where the girl on the top of the pyramid would be tossed into the air before being caught…
The process of making pretzels was once used to teach kids about prayer during Lent. The shape of a traditional pretzel mimics the folding of hands in prayer. Make homemade pretzels as a family, and while they are baking, think of…
Easter is just a few days away. Here are some make-ahead Easter side dishes you can get ready beforehand to be ahead of the game. Happy Make-ahead Easter! If you enjoyed these recipes, you can find more like them in my cookbook…
St. Patrick’s Day is coming! Here are a few ideas for you and your kids to do to celebrate this fun holiday! Teach about St. Patrick and his desire to spread the news about Jesus. What do we really know…
Here in Michigan, we have an abundance of asparagus in early spring. This is my favorite way to prepare it. Be sure to look for stalks that are not too thick. If you liked this recipe, you can find more…
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35 (NIV) Each day…