How Big is Your “But”?–Made to Crave Weekend Giveaway–Times 5!!!!!!

Do you have a big “but”?

No, I don’t mean as in the one you try to wriggle into your skinny jeans each morning.

I mean a big “but”, as in an excuse, a crutch, a reason not to tackle something you know you should.

Last year, while searching for a video clip as part of my church’s Creative Arts Team, I came across a hilarious video about some of the big “buts” we all have when it comes to our walk with God.

Click here if you want to catch this convicting, yet humorous three minute clip. (Be sure to come back for the big “but” giveaway.)

I am convinced (because I’ve seen it in my own life) that one of the biggest areas where we pull out our big “buts” is when it comes to our eating and exercising habits (or lack thereof!)

My friend and ministry partner Lysa TerKeurst, author of the New York Times bestseller Made to Crave and its awesome companion products, is hosting a free webcast this coming Monday , February 20th on our big “buts”. Her book helps you satisfy your deepest desire with God, not food. She says this about the webcast:

We all face obstacles too big to overcome yet some find victory while others live in defeat. Could the difference be our buts?

Learn how to turn your “but I…”excuses into “but God…” exclamations with every obstacle you face!  If you’ve ever struggled to overcome an area of defeat in your life, this 30 minute Biblical teaching will give you an amazing fresh start.

In anticipation of this webcast, today Lysa is allowing me to give away five—yes FIVE!!!!–copies of the Made to Crave 6 week teaching dvd along with a participant’s guide workbook for each.

This teaching series can be done alone or with a group and it is sure to arm you with some determination to get over your big “but”, whatever it may be.

I did this study at my church last winter with a group of 27 gals from many churches and walks of life. You will LOVE it!!!

Now, in order to be entered, simply leave a comment here with what your biggest “but” is when it comes to eating healthy, moving more or placing something (or someone!) else before your relationship with God.

I’ll bare my “but” and go first…..

“But, I am sick and tired of fighting to get to (or sometimes stay at) a healthy weight. It isn’t fair some women seem to eat whatever they want and still be naturally thin. Now, hand over the cheesecake. I am depressed!”


Now show us your big “but”! Winners announced Monday.

NOTE: If you want to sign up for this free webcast, head over to Lysa’s site and do so in the sidebar.



  1. A long time ago I felt God asking me to give up my morning coffee that I always have with my devotions. I argued and said but why? Nothing is wrong with coffee (just black nothing added). I mean I think I am addicted to it “but” still. He showed me the parable of the disciples fishing all night,, not catching anything. He told them to cast it on the other side. What good would that do? just do it. They caught a full net(s) of fish. It was so real to me “but” I just love coffee with my devotions and have not been successful yet in giving that up. I am trying to lose weight “but” I wonder how giving up coffee would help that. Last year I did the “made to crave” bible study with Lelia Chealey and friends. It was great “but” to put it to practice has been difficult for me. I have the book and love it. I keep referring to it. Thanks for this post. I do believe I make too many excuses.

  2. BUT …. I’m a full-time working wife and mother of 3 (5, counting spouse and dog), there isn’t time to do everything really well, just time to get it done. At the end of every day, I am completely exhausted and feel like nothing was accomplished. In the morning, I am overwhelmed by the weight of my “ToDo” list.

    Lord, help me focus on You first, and then one thing at a time after that. Help me to set realistic goals for each day and to prioritize. Also give me the ability to forgive myself for not being perfect — I wasn’t created to lead a perfect life, simply to live a life loving You.

  3. BUT… It’s so hard to cook healthy for just one person, it’s so much easier to open a can, and anyways, I am so depressed at the death of my best friend (my dog) and I feel guilty for having him put down, even though I know it was the best choice for him. Also, I am so stressed out at work and the gym scheduled the Zumba classes at really inconvenient times and I hate working out alone anyways and my gym clothes are dirty and I’d much rather paint (watercolors).

    Okay, Lord, no more excuses, I put on 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks while “mourning” my dog. It’s time to get my act together. Will You help me, Lord?

  4. But, God…. Why is it so hard? Why can everyone else eat waht they want and I can’t. Why do I try and try and try and never seem to get anywhere….I just don’t understand….All I want to do is glorify you and yet the battle is so hard to win where my weight is concerned. Please God…help me find the tools to win this battle and over come….I’m so tired of trying and making excuses. But God….I know you have a plan….so I will trust you no matter what happens.

  5. But I don’t know what to eat, how much to eat, and how to balance everything in my life. But I’ve tried before and failed.

  6. “But I worked all day & I have to come home, cook & do housework & I’m just too
    darn tired”. Thats my big “but”!

    Janet W.

  7. But I have worked all day and am tired. I deserve to just rest and watch a little tv or read a book and de-stress after the day I had….

  8. But…. I just don’t have the energy and will power to do all my other responsibilities when I stick with only healthy foods.

  9. BUT, I’m so tired all the time. BUT, I’ve been really sick this winter and don’t have the energy. BUT, it’s so cold and I just don’t have the motivation. BUT, trying to get the kids’ homeschool work, and chores, and music practice done each day takes SO much time. BUT, I’ve had to do all this baking for special occasions, and of course someone has to eat the leftovers! You name it, I’ve said it! Thanks for this opportunity to re-think my buts and put God back over everything…where He should be!

  10. “BUT”, I am so tired of constantly we battling this constant battle. I just don’t have the time to exercise with handling everyone’s schedules. Lord, if you will just make me thin in the morning and I will take care of my new body.

  11. But…I need to make dinner, get the kids ready for tonight (or tomorrow) or get a few more emails sent…. My “buts” seem to go on and on…

  12. I have an issue in my marriage. My husband pushes me to workout and be healthier. The more he pushes the less I want to do it. It makes he love feel conditional. But aside from that, I do feel like it’s time for me, just because I want to look and feel better.

  13. BUT… when this (circumstance) is this way (the way I think it should be to be perfect) I will be able to exercise, eat right and perform the way I should, BUT its been 12 years that I have been waiting for everything to align and butting all the way.

  14. But….my family won’t eat healthy food if I try to cook it. Plus, I’m way too tired to get up earlier than I do to exercise.

  15. but being overweight gives me an excuse for men not finding me attractive. What if they still don’t find me attractive smaller? Being overweight is the reason I’m single.

    This is a really tough one I recently realized I was thinking.. Ouch!

  16. But, I’ve been doing so good lately on my diet. I just have to have a dish of ice cream. They say when you crave food, your body needs it…..I’ll have a cookie with that ice cream..thanks. Maybe I’ll have two cookies….just leave the bag here. Thanks.

  17. but she can eat hamburgers, pizza, mexican food etc and is still skinny. why can’t I?? but I am tired and then my other favorite…….I need to really clean house BUT I can’t if I am eating so hand over those chips. :( I have “but” issues.

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