
I Want All The Answers Now

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d8.22Did you find your way here after reading my Proverbs 31 devotion today called I Want All The Answers Now? If so, welcome!

If not, this devotion is on wanting God to “spiritually skywrite”, telling us just the whats and whys of life along the way rather than making us wait. {Sometimes a loooooong time!} You can read the devotion by clicking here but be sure to come back here to share a prayer request and enter to win a copy of my book and Bible study curriculum LET. IT. GO. How to Stop Running the Show & Start Walking in Faith. 

Okay……..are you back? Great!

In the devotion I say:

By God not giving us explanations at each turn, it builds our faith. We can go to Him in prayer asking Him to calm our anxious hearts. We can ask Him to increase our faith so we aren’t consumed by the questions, and help us trust that He — the ever-wise parent — has good in mind for us.

It is God’s job to unfold our future. It is our job to trust and glorify Him as He does. Let’s stop asking Him to spiritually skywrite all the answers and let’s write His promises on our hearts instead. And then? Let’s live like we believe them.

So, what prayer requests do you have? Please share them here. {I’ll be popping in here on and off over the weekend to see your requests and pray. And I hope you all will pray for each other. Using the “reply” feature to someone’s comment and actually telling them you are praying, or even typing out a short prayer, is so uplifting and I encourage you to do so.}

let-it-go-bundleOne person will be chosen from among the comments and replies to win a copy of my book LET. IT. GO.: How to Stop Running the Show & Start Walking in Faith, along with the 6-week DVD teaching series including one Bible study guide.

You may watch and do this Bible study alone or gather a few friends or church members and form a group.

LET. IT. GO. is a somewhat humorous, yet spiritually practical book will help you to:

  • Take control of your schedule yet welcome interruptions from God
  • Draw the line between mothering and micromanaging
  • Influence your husband instead of manipulating him
  • Learn to control your emotions when you can’t control the circumstances
  • Stop pursuing the appearance of perfection and start pursuing the person of God

Okay friends, what prayer requests do you have, especially the ones where you wish you had all the answers now?

{Don’t forget to hop on and reply to pray for others!}

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  1. Hello, I just found your blog and it couldn’t have come at a better time! I would like to request a prayer please. I have been trying for eight months now to get a new job and get out of what I’m doing (debt collecting). I go on interviews, and second interviews, my friends/family submit my résumé when they hear of a position opening up, so many people are looking out for me, but nothing is happening and I’m starting to feel hopeless. My job is so full of negativity, I go every day with a heavy heart. Please pray for me. Thank you!

  2. I am a recent college grad. My life has been blessed tremendously over and over and over again. I graduated with a degree in the healthcare field where it would be very easy to find a job. I feel stuck. I have no drive. I tell people I’m just taking it easy and trying to relax when they ask what my next step is but I really don’t know what to do. I don’t know where I want to go. I’m working my part time college job right now and I don’t know what my next step is. the devotion today really hit home. I always know where I want to go and what my next step is and it’s these times when I am stuck in limbo that I am challenged spiritually and emotionally. I have to remember that he will protect me and provide for me and I have to trust in that. I had a plan and my plan has changed without my permission and that is hard for me. I know I’m afraid of the unknown and change. I am so scared that I am frozen in my fear and I don’t know how to escape it.

  3. My husband and I just recently left our church, which is something I have never done before voluntarily. The church is in a situation where unity does not exist, no oplortunities for service or spiritual growth, and gossip/malice were prevalent and it was in our families best interest to leave. Now we are struggling to find a church to call home. There seems to be so many issues in the church today that it is almost like you have to choose the church that has the least issues or least things that aren’t biblical. I’m really struggling with trusting others and trusting God in this situation. We thought Gkd led us to the last Church and although I can see reasons why He led us there. I’m afraid to open my family up to those types of issues again. Pray that our eyes and hats will be open to hear God speaking and leading us.

  4. Seeking prayer for my marriage. My husband doesn’t know the Lord. We’ve been together 10 years and while he works hard and is a kind man he spends most of his free time devoted to the TV. Most nights he never comes to our bedroom. I’ve sought counsel, continued in prayer, etc. Even asked him to try harder at making us a priority. Nothing changes. It can be quite lonely to live in a house every night with this routine. This example isn’t easy for me to buffer from my daughter either. I just ask for prayer–God’s overwhelming, all consuming presence to be upon me and my daughter — that we can show love…that even in my pain and loneliness I will rely on God and let Him lead me in my choices…even on the loneliest of nights. Thank you

  5. My fiancé and I have been on the crazy cycle and he finally broke up with me. But he is still talking to me and I’m so confused. I love him and my heart is broken over this. He keeps saying we need to pray for God to do what he wants. This is SO hard for me to do. I have been seeking out every book and devotion I can to draw me closer to God rather than being stuck asking why this is happening to us or can God restore us? How can he love me and make a commitment but still give up? My heart is incredibly heavy. Thank you.

  6. This is the first time for me to write on a blog or any sort. I am touched by the devotional today as I have been voicing “I wish God would tell me what He has planned”. I know He has a plan and it will be greater than what we had but when my husband was told a week ago Friday that his job had been eliminated, crazy fear instantly tried to grip my heart. I knew I had to be supportive to my husband and more so be faithful to what I believe and know about God, He always takes care of us no matter what. The shock was instant but within a few seconds I could hear God speaking for me to support my husband.
    I have a part-time job but his job was the means to our household. I would appreciate your prayers that we will stand faithful to God’s plan and not jump out on our own and mess God’s plan up then have to wait for the correction.
    You are such a blessing, thank you for your ministry.

  7. Hi Karen,
    Wow….this devotion “I Want All the Answers Now” hit home for me today…as a little girl I was quite inquisitive myself: my mom says I would ask questions that I already knew the answers to…I’m a person who likes to plan, likes to know what’s coming, likes to know what’s “next.” Right now, my prayer requests are as follows: guidance and personal direction as to how to provide an income for myself, as I am unemployed and helping my dad take care of my mom, who took a fall recently; personal strength, wisdom, and stamina for my dad and myself as we take care of my mom; my mom to have the motivation and desire to exercise and get stronger so falls can perhaps be lessened. Also prayer for personal peace for myself as my future seems a little uncertain, and contentment for myself, as it’s very difficult for me to be 31 years old, unemployed, and still having to live with my mom and dad…that God would also send encouragement and support in the form of friends….and that if God wants me to move out in the future, I’ll know whether it’s out of state or not. I’m also trying to get over beating myself up over past mistakes…I’d love to win a copy of your Let. It. Go. book and dvd curriculum, as I’m doing a book study with two new single friends, and we are reading Love Does, by Bob Goff. It’d be great to have a new study ready to go, in the future. Thank you!!

  8. Trust…that has been the word written in my journal more times in the last month. Please pray for marriage problems, financial problems, parenting differences, job problems, care of aging parents..the list could go on and on. I’m stay strong in my faith and wait on the Lord but there are days I struggle. My husband doesn’t live with the same spiritual eyes I do. Another struggle. Thank you and God bless!

  9. Please pray that my husband and I both listen to His direction for us. I can feel that we are being prepared for a change. Thank you.

  10. Thank you so much for this devotional! I relate so much to what you wrote wondering if God will ever skywrite. Please pray for me and my family as it’s been a year since we are struggling financially, my husband got his work hours cut and I currently don’t work. We have both looked for jobs unfortunately we haven’t got hired. Can’t pay all our bills and I’ve been very discouraged at times seeing our situation not getting better. Please pray for us that I will stand strong in my faith and trust in Him. Thank you, blessings

  11. Hello sisters,
    I’ve been only 7 months married and God has put us in a whirlwind of storms that he continues to be our anchor and our strength. First month anniversary spent in the hospital for an unknown diagnosis for my husband which took him 2 month to recover and a month later I had foot surgery which then took me 3 months to recover from. So now we’re celebrating our 7 months. I know God’s plans are the best I just wonder “why” did we have to endure that? I wonder “how” our experience will impact others? I wonder “when” God will use what we’ve learned. I’m not being as patient with our Father as I need to be and I need prayer in just being still, waiting, trusting and praising Him while im here. ThanK you and God bless!

  12. I have children who are now adults that have strayed away from church and God. I pray that they will all turn back to God as well as their children. I pray everyday but I feel like it is just routine prayer. I pray that I can have more faith and trust that God will answer my prayers.

    1. I was once that child and in my mid-twenties i feel so deeply in love with Him. Keep faith that the seeds you planted in their hearts are still there, they still here His sweet voice but the world lures them deceitful but there will be a day when they come back to Christ…in the meantime just tell them you love them and are praying for them, nothing confuses a rebellious child more than when the parent is showing God’s grace.

  13. I need prayers to quiet my anxious heart. My husband started an affair with a co worker and abandoned our three children and myself. We had a great relationship, so this has been devastating. We finalized our divorce on July 18 just 7 months after he moved out. I am a strong christian and have walked through this with grace and dignity but have just now hit my angry phase of the grief cycle. Please pray God walks me through this quickly, I do not like this. I am also begging for prayers that this other woman comes to learn the truths that my ex husband is not being faithful to her. My worst fear is that my children will have to meet the woman who helped steal their daddy from them. God knows my heart and my fears and my wishes. Im really struggling with wanting to know God’s future plans for my children, my ex and myself. It’s so very hard to sit in this place of transition.

  14. This devotion immediately touched my heart. My husband (and I) has struggled with many hard times throughout life and sometimes he (we) wonder if/when God is ever going to give us the answers to the many “unknowns” in his (our) life. My prayer request is to help him be patient and allow God to reveal each detail in His time. Thanks so much for this devotion. It hit the spot!

    1. Sometimes as wives we are called to stand by our husbands sides through those tough moments, I pray that not only your husband heart will be still and surrendered but that yours will be strengthened to keep his focus on Christ when the world distracts him and worry sets in. I pray this time strengthensure your relationship with each other and of course with our creator.

  15. Thank you for this devotional! I am trying to trust and not worry. We have a daughter who is making choices that are leading her down a road of destruction. We think we can see where she is heading. She moved to another state, but we still have contact. We can’t trust what she tells us and we hear from others what is happening. I cannot see what is going on except for the results of decisions made. She doesn’t talk much to us except for superficially. She does tell others that it is my fault that she is making the decisions that she does. It is affecting my relationship with my husband and family too. We have a second daughter going off to college and there is fear of her making similar choices even though she is very different and hasn’t exemplified that. The Lord reminded me this morning even before I read Traci”s blog, that God is doing a new thing. I have to believe in his sovereignty and I know He is in control and not me even though many times I want to be!! I know God is working “behind the scenes” and I truly just need to TRUST and rest in His arms! He is faithful!

    1. I am so sorry for your struggle and will be praying for your daughters and you as well as the impact this is having on your marriage. I have an adopted daughter who lived in foster care until we took her in when she was 16 years old. She is now 30 years old and has 2 children, my grandchildren, whom I helped raise until she took them away and no longer will allow me any contact with them. They were 8 and 5 when she left and they were very attached to me because I had spent so much time helping her raise them. It has been almost 3 years since I last saw them. I have to trust God’s plan and that eventually I hope to see them again. I also have 2 sons, 1 is a youth pastor and the other has made some very ungodly lifestyle choices. It helps to know that many parents go through hard times with their kids and God will reveal the answers if or when He knows the time is right. God bless.

  16. Reading through the prayer request is humbling and the responses and prayer responses heartwarming ! Each of our families are going through difficult circumstances that God has allowed so that we will learn to trust Him and know that He is God and He is able to do above and beyond all that we can ask or think ! There is power in the name if Jesus and I’m believing God for each family to strengthen our faith and trust in Him ! My husband and marriage are awesome , amazing , and so fulfilling and it grieves me to know that many of you and others I know can’t say this , including my sister. Please pray for her marriage (Richard&Laura) both are Christians and desperately need God to move in a miraculous way and I know He is able !! Also , our sons are both in college and need Jesus in their lives . Our oldest is 22 and has said he no longer believes that God is our creator and Jesus Savior and Lord . But our faithful God has him in a place where he can hear truth , a religion class taught by a Christian Pastor ! Praising God for His answered prayer and trusting Him to move in Tyler’s heart this semester !

  17. Thank you for this message! My heart aches for each of these women who have genuinly opened up their hearts and revealed their innermost thoughts and concerns – this takes great courage. I too can relate to many of their circumstances and have have walked through several similar valleys.
    Earlier this year I lost my job and have been dealing with my 12 year old daughter who was recently diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. It all seems so overwhelming to deal with BUT each day as I stay so very close to God, He reveals how awsome and amazing He really is. I just have to make a choice each and every day to surrender and look for him. Most days are good but the bad days always seem to creep up at the most unexpected times AND I find myself questioning God’s future plans for my life. Then, I remember that God has something new and much better planned for me and I remind myself of Isaiah 43:19 – See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
    I have grown to understand that it’s really all about how I approach each day that allows me to let go and let God direct my path. It’s certainly NOT easy but each day when I truly seek Him, I DO find Him. It may be through someone speaking to me, in reading an amazing/timely devotional OR in a butterfly swirling around my back porch.
    I am praying for God’s divine and supernatural peace for each of these women. It is in finding God’s peace in our circumstances (good or bad), that we can truly surrender our future to Him!

  18. You hit the nail on the head with the 5 bullets you have listed above. Those are the areas where I struggle. My biggest desire is to learn how to manage my work load and not cheat my family. I want to enjoy the time I have with my family and make it count for eternity. It’s hard to turn off work.

  19. Please pray for me. I’ve been a widow for 16 years and the loneliness and emptiness can be overwhelming. I fear depression and I know that some days the depression is there. There are times that I go to the Lord and he covers me with His everlasting arms of love but the enemy preys on my weaknesses. No one understands the heartache of losing someone until they experience it. My prayer is that day by day the Lord will fill me with His love and compassion and I won’t feel the pain of loneliness. Thank you!

  20. Prayers please. I’m constantly anxious & overwhelmed (I also struggle with trust issues…) with our finances, for the company The Lord has blessed my husband & I with. I handle the payroll for 15 employees along with all the bills for the company as well as our household. He is gone all week (out of town…leaves Sundays after church, returns either late Fri night or early Sat morning. I’m home with our 3 little girls, pretty much a single mom all week. Every time he calls home, I feel bad because it’s an earful of “this is the balance in the account, blah, blah, blah, how are we going to make payroll…pay bills?!?! Every time he’s very calm & will say, Gods taking care of it. I get so upset & say, okay if you say so…then just like that God comes through yet again. How awesome is He?! Then the cycle starts all over…I have trust issues big time, I know He can do it, but for some reason I’m waiting for Him not to come through. Hope this makes sense. So I guess I need prayer for peace & being able to trust God completely knowing He’s in control (not me…)
    Thank you in advance for your prayers. God Bless!

  21. Lord, thank you for ministering to my heart through the devotion. Help me to let go and know that you know where we should live and how ministry should unfold. Help me to remember you haven’t forgotten us. You have a definite plan. My ways are not your ways. Help me to remember YOUR plan will glorify you. That alone gives peace to my heart.

  22. Thank you so much for your devotional. God has really been talking my husband and me on a trust journey! While I don’t pepper Him with questions, per se, He continues to show us our need to increase our trust in Him. We are believing God for a baby. I had a miscarriage many years ago, before we were trying. I didn’t even know I was pregnant. It was heartbreaking and devastating. We have been trying for many years since to no avail. We know that a baby can come in many ways but had not tried IVF or adoption due to not having the money. God has been revealing to us to cast a wide net and to trust Him for the money. Would you please pray for wisdom in all of our decisions as we cast a wide net? Would you also pray that God would increase our trust and show us His will in this journey? Thank you so, so much! ?

    1. Lord please bring Pamela into your warm, loving embrace. You know the heart that breaks in the loss of a child…in waiting for a new blessing. Help her to remember your faithfulness. To remember that you will be faithful in this too. I pray that as they cast a wider net that you would bless them with encouragement and show them your heart.

  23. I need prayer for my health. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, back pain,…..etc. you get the point I just need healing because I don’t feel like I can be used by a God sick. Plus being sick all the time has destroyed relationships. I can’t go anywhere because of my disability.

    1. Cecily, I am praying for you. I am so sorry about your health issues. Ongoing health concerns can be so frustrating and health concerns of any kind can make us feel so helpless. God loves you and He has a plan for you. He can use you in all phases of your life, regardless of what’s going on, and that includes during the time that you are ill. Praying for His healing hand on you, His hope and peace and comfort, and also His reassurance for you that you are His beloved child and He has a purpose for you in all things. God bless you!

  24. My “control fist” is so tightly wound around my family right now, my knuckles are white. I am relying on ME instead of God, and I’m making myself crazy, and probably those around me, as well.
    I am juggling aging parents, caregiver to hubby with a stroke, trying to encourage my 22year old daughter to get a job and move on with a plan for her future, and helping my 19 year old daughter navigate SSI applications for a disability and support so she can make ends meet. Oh, and my dog is not happy with his new dog food that I bought, trying to save money!!!!!!!!
    I know God is shaking His head and telling me to Let. It. Go.
    believe me, I am trying…..

  25. I appreciate the “Let go, let God” and I will try and make that my mantra. I have severe anxiety issues. I feel like any small health issue is some terminal disease. I feel like my faith is strong, but then I have the anxiety which compounds because I know that I shouldn’t worry, I should trust in God. It’s a roller coaster can’t seems to get off of. I love God and want to do what he tells me to do. This devotion today seemed to be written just for me and I’ve read it several times….why can’t I get it to sink in and follow God without needing to know the answer. Lol, there’s the “why” again.

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