Announcing FREE 5 Days to Sweet & Salty Speech

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Welcome to those of you who made your way here after reading my Proverbs 31 Ministries devotion today entitled The $285 Cinnamon Roll. {If you haven’t read this tale of how a $3.29 pastry ended up costing my 16-year-old a whoppin’ $285— and the lesson it teaches us— click here to so.}


Got words? Oh yeah, you do! The average women speaks over 20,000 a day—not to mention the ones she types online. I—being a woman whose words have often landed her in a heap of trouble— share from experience the how’s (and how-not-to’s) of dealing with the tongue in my new book Keep It Shut . Using biblical examples, as well as my own personal (and sometimes painful!) stories, Keep It Shut will equip you to know what to say, how best to say it, and when you’d better just keep your lips zipped!

This book will teach you:

  • The difference between gossip and properly processing with a trusted friend
  • A helpful grid for using our digital tongues as we talk online or on social media
  • How to pause before you pounce, attacking the problem but not the person
  • How to avoid saying something permanently painful just because you are temporarily ticked off
  • What the Bible teaches about making our speech laced with grace, as sweet as honey, and yet seasoned with salt

If you are interested in a free resource based on the topic of this book, I am offering a five day e-mail devotional called 5 Days to Sweet & Salty Speech: 5 People in the Bible. 5 Lessons for our Lips. I figured right before the holiday season was a good time for all of us to have a little encouragement on watching our words!

Each day for five days, starting with the day you sign up, you will receive a short devotional based on a person in the Bible who either use their words properly and we should emulate them, or they used their words poorly and we should avoid such behavior. Well-known characters such as David. But also some who aren’t as readily recognized like Abigail, Boaz, and a man named Mordecai. The final day looks at the words of Nicodemus and Jesus. Each day also has a “Lesson for our Lips” challenge of something to do {or not to do!} with our words.

Sign up here to receive the free 5 Days to Sweet & Salty Speech resource from Karen Ehman, author of KEEP IT SHUT: What to Say, How to Say It & When to Say Nothing at All

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  1. I’m really looking forward to the 5-day devotional. I tend to pounce before speaking and often hurt people’s feelings. This is something I definitely need to work on.

  2. This is a set I am wanting to start. I need help with dealing with 2 teenage boys and everything else that comes with life. Anger Management!

  3. This resource could not come at a better time. There is an issue at work causing me to lose my patience and my “tongue”. I really could use this resource to help me get back on track.

  4. Pausing can be challenging with 4 crazy kids, a cat, big dog and husband. Things get crazy and so do I… Praying that I get better at that!

  5. Hi Karen! I just finished watching your video clip about the Let.It.Go. book and I am hooked!! I would love to win this Bible study material as well as the book! Starting a Bible study group with the materials would be a great way to have some fellowship and make God famous! :) Thank you for your encouragement and practical help Karen!

  6. Such an important topic. I think we sometimes want to focus on bigger things, often things we can’t even control, when we would make huge improvements in our life and in the lives of other people if we could just start controlling our words. And our tone. And our eye-rolls…

  7. This looks like a great book that hits me right in the heart. My previous 4 marriages (yes, 4) was all me running the show but when my world came to a shattering halt, GOD spoke to my heart, reassuring me HE had something awesome in store for me. GOD brought Chris into my life. GOD reset my life and my direction. Chris and I courted, waiting till our wedding day for our first kiss. In those 11months, my faith grew more than I could ever imagine.

  8. I read your devotion and it really spoke to me. I am in the “parenting teenagers” phase. And God continues to teach me that I am not in control … He is. I am learning each day to let go and get out of the way so that my children can wrestle directly with The Lord … who is eternal. Every day I imagine in my mind that I am laying my 17 year old daughter on the altar, just like Abraham. It’s so hard when you see teens making unwise choices. I would love to savor the book and DVD series (and share with other moms)

  9. I’ve seen your book before and tried to tell myself I don’t need it.
    God is exposing the real things in my heart. Yes. I need this book!
    Thanks for all your give and speak into other ladies!!!

  10. Thanks for all your great thoughts/devotions! I think if we met, we would be friends! I tend to speak before I think and sometimes I speak harshly when I really don’t want to do that. Look forward to reading your devotions and your new book!

  11. I’m a good one for not thinking before I speak
    and sorry after I do sometimes…wrong words at
    the wrong time!!! Shut it up is going to be one
    of the best books for me ( partly written for me lol )
    thst I could ever read learn n put to use… Thanking
    you Karen ahead of time…I read Let. It. Go .
    But would luv to have the DVD… I find myself
    picking it up n referring to it many times when
    I start to control ( ESP poor hubby ) can’t wait
    for Shut It Up… Never to old to learn to change
    Amen!!! ( from your home state of Michigan under
    snow ) bless u n yours Karen. You n the Proverb
    31.gals r my best gfs thru your books n devotionals
    everyday Happy blessed Thanksgiving!!!

  12. I am thankful for the timing of this post. Learning that we can not control or always understand the reason for all things is a tough one for me. Remembering to take things to God in prayer is key. I needed that reminder today and also feel very blessed to have such amazing resources with Proverbs 31. Sometimes we take these things for granted and today I am compelled to recognize these and other amazing works in my life.
    Thank you!

  13. I grew up watching people react with words, so I thought that was normal and just what you do. I have learned over the years that it is better to have self control in this area. But I still need help sometimes holding back. I think this would be a great resource for me. The devotion made me think about all kinds of things that I think God is trying to call my attention to. I am thankful for coming across this today and I know this is just what I need. Thank you.

  14. This is such an important topic. Thank you for wading through it in your effort to help us do the same. Words cannot be un-said or un-heard…there’s little worse than the realization that something said (or typed) cannot be taken back.

  15. This is so perfect for me! I have really struggled with this for what feels like my entire life. I have always been a chatty girl, the one that was was in trouble in class for talking. I start out with good intentions when getting together with friends but then before I know it my speech turns and does not honor God. Thanks for the help, and the chance to win!

  16. After being married for 25 years and it going south when my ex husband became physically and verbally abusive I learned a lot to depend on Jesus as my husband, Saviour, Provider, Healer. I have 3 children and I spent the first two years focusing on my walk with Jesus and healing. God provided for me many times. Once at Christmas my kids would all be home with me including my son in law and I remeber looking in the pantry and there was little food. I told Gid “you promised to provide and the kids are coming home”. I shut the pantry and trusted. My girlfriend called on Tuesday and asked what I was doing after work. She told me she had food for me. Not only was her trunk for of grocery bags but she took me to the store and bought more. Jesus is so faithful! After all my blessings I still find that I am human and struggle sometimes with not obeying His word. I pray for strength to obey and I enjoy the encouragement from your devotions to not give up. Thank you and Gid Bless your ministry.

  17. All to often, my words hurt others and I am aware of it as I am saying it, but unable to stop the flow. As soon as your new book is out, I will be buying it. Thanks for this post and your post about the cinnamon roll. I have had a few of those myself and I know my daughter (10) will be having those before long. Thanks!

  18. I can totally relate to your son and the cinnamon roll. I once was driving a measly 3 miles over the limit in my neighborhood. Not too bad, right? And then I was pulled over, because it was the first day of school. Which meant I was going 33 in a 20 mph zone. And that meant a speeding ticket as well as a mandatory court appearance. I’ve learned not to bend those rules!

    However, I am a control freak, so I’d love to win the study and be better at giving control to God. Thanks for your encouraging devotion today!

  19. I need this. Boy oh boy, God knows that I need this. Thank you for writing and sharing, and blessing someone with this gift.

  20. I would love to use this study for my Young Mom’s Bible Study group that I lead each week,
    Our words are so powerful and we must learn to keep them in place…Everyday we are faced with the way we can use our words, to encourage and build up or hurt and tear down…

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