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Decisions, Decisions {& #LetItGoBook Giveaway!}

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7-18 devo

Today I’m over at over Proverbs 31 devotion page sharing thoughts on when getting your own way gets in the way of your relationships, especially in your family and a fresh way to look at the Bible’s claim that there is no greater love than to lay down your life for your friends. To read the devotion, click here but be sure to come back to enter the giveaway!


letitgobundle_largeAs promised, today I am giving away three copies of my book LET. IT. GO.: How to Stop Running the Show & Start Walking in Faith. 

This humorous, yet spiritually practical book will help you learn how to control what you should, trust God with what you can’t, and more importantly, decide which one is which! Topics covered include:

• Draw the line between mothering and micromanaging
• Influence your husband instead of manipulating him
• Take control of your schedule yet welcome interruptions from God
• Learn to control your emotions when you can’t control the circumstances
• Stop pursuing the appearance of perfection and start pursuing the person of God

A companion video-based study for small groups with a Bible study guide is also available.

To enter the giveaway, leave a comment telling us one are where you sometimes tend to be controlling. I’ll go first……

Riding shotgun.

I just can’t seem to keep my mouth shut when my hubby or kids are driving and I am sitting in the passenger’s seat. “Slow down! Speed up! This way is shorter, don’t ‘cha know?!”

Now, your turn…….

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  1. Weekend schedule – how to spend it, where to eat etc. Even I asked hubby to make the decision but I know what I want and hope he would suggest the same. If it does not happen I will try to manipulate to make him agree to what I want at the end ??

  2. Our daily schedule. I have a hard time being flexible with bath times and bed times. It has to happen when I say it will!

  3. Need to do what can even if can’t do the task perfectly (i.e. cleaning). Also so things aren’t put where they belong (containers), they did get put away.

  4. I am SO about to tell on myself!! Decisions of any kind are my downfall with my husband. I know, I know! The Bible says we are to let them lead and respect them as the head of our homes. But sometimes he just takes waaaaaaaaaaaaay tooooo looooong to decide! He’s a thinker and a laid back decision maker and I’m a hurry up and decide before I’m old as Methuselah type. Yes, now I’m red faced cuz it seems much worse when I say (type) it out loud?

  5. There are just too many areas of my life that I need to learn to let go of! I would love to have a copy of your book for myself and other members of my family that could learn from it too! God bless you for your devotion today!

  6. When I’m out near bedtime I need to remind myself hubby is in charge and it’s his choice on how the bedtime routine will go. It may not be my way but the kids are taken care of.

  7. I have a hard time letting my kids make decisions and choices that I know are not leading them in a positive, productive and safe direction. I understand in my head that they may need to learn some lessons the hard way but my heart doesn’t want them to get hurt or disappointed. I was better with this when they were younger because the consequences weren’t too big, but as they’ve gotten older I’m having a harder time letting go.

  8. It never occurred to me that this verse could also pertain to deferring to others. Wow – what a revelation! Lord, help me with my control issues and having to do things “my way”!

  9. I’m a Control freak, wow I’ve got a Long ways to go, but here’s to the first step of letting go…

  10. It doesn’t matter the order the dishwasher gets cleaned out, it doesn’t matter the route we take getting to the store nor which parking spot we take a church. I need to let him help, have a say, respect him for who he is and what he does, and not live with the idea that if things are not done my way they’ll be done wrong. We are geared differently but we are a team. I need to really focus on not letting my thoughts and ideas get in the way of “us” because God has some great things in store for us if I would just lighten up!

  11. I tend to want my opinion to be the one that my husband will agree to and try to manipulate it if it doesn’t go my way. I will try hard to stop this way of doing things.

  12. Now it seems to me that I tell them how to spend the weekends, Over the 35+ years of marriage it has been cooking, cleaning, doing laundry we have been through the gamete of daily life. While raising our boys, and trying to instruct them on the how to’s of everyday life, I started realizing that to have the room clean with out the argument over it needed to be done my way made for more free time to spend together doing fun things.

  13. Finances- (and I do not work outside the home) ?

    Just awful telling my spouse how we should spend…!

  14. I am really bad at trying to control how the housework is done, sometimes I need to step back and allow the kids to do things there own way.

  15. I am very controlling when it comes to my sons activities. I believe he spends too much time on the computer but my husband doesn’t because he does the same thing. Ugh!

  16. Everything!! I convince myself I am a happier person when things are going “my way”. There are so many areas I need to let go and I know that will bring true happiness.

  17. I can’t think of a single area that I don’t get a tremendous amount of temporary “peace” over being “in control”. As much as I know deep down that I am not actually in control, it’s amazing how good it feels when things happen to go my way.

  18. Oh my word Karen! This is so timely, thanks for sharing. I can relate so much to your post. I just laughed as I thought through what I try to control, the thoughts just kept coming, all I could do was laugh and feel convicted at the same time. I’m always telling my youngest that, “love requires sacrafice” Ooops, guess the Lord thought I need to be reminded too.

  19. Honestly…everything. My field is interior architecture. This embodies all design items including paint, decor, organization, etc. This is part of what I do…or did. But it doesn’t end there. Mostly its stuff, but not always. I do need to let it go!

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