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Decisions, Decisions {& #LetItGoBook Giveaway!}

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7-18 devo

Today I’m over at over Proverbs 31 devotion page sharing thoughts on when getting your own way gets in the way of your relationships, especially in your family and a fresh way to look at the Bible’s claim that there is no greater love than to lay down your life for your friends. To read the devotion, click here but be sure to come back to enter the giveaway!


letitgobundle_largeAs promised, today I am giving away three copies of my book LET. IT. GO.: How to Stop Running the Show & Start Walking in Faith. 

This humorous, yet spiritually practical book will help you learn how to control what you should, trust God with what you can’t, and more importantly, decide which one is which! Topics covered include:

• Draw the line between mothering and micromanaging
• Influence your husband instead of manipulating him
• Take control of your schedule yet welcome interruptions from God
• Learn to control your emotions when you can’t control the circumstances
• Stop pursuing the appearance of perfection and start pursuing the person of God

A companion video-based study for small groups with a Bible study guide is also available.

To enter the giveaway, leave a comment telling us one are where you sometimes tend to be controlling. I’ll go first……

Riding shotgun.

I just can’t seem to keep my mouth shut when my hubby or kids are driving and I am sitting in the passenger’s seat. “Slow down! Speed up! This way is shorter, don’t ‘cha know?!”

Now, your turn…….

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  1. Just one area…it’s hard to pick…unfortunately. Well today I am feeling especially frustrated about my messy house. Working from home with a newborn daughter and two young boys on summer vacation is WONDERFUL, but my OCD is raging today about the dishwasher that needs to be emptied, the blanket fort my boys made that’s been up for too long, the dust covering the furniture, and so on. I’m trying to let it go and give it to God, but feeling very restless in the process. I need your book in a bad way!

  2. Enjoyed the devotional that was a different take on the lesson I never thought of it that way. I not controlling I just want to be apart of the decision I hate it when I am told what we are going to do without being asked how do I feel about it or what do i think.

  3. I have a little bit of OCD when it comes to folding the towels or how the dishes should be arranged in the cabinet. I think the worst one of mine is organizing our refrigerator! I always have to be the one who puts the groceries away because I like it done how I do it.

  4. I tend to be controlling in a passive aggressive /snide remark sort of way, in which I make remarks or bottle up past injuries and then when I want something, I let loose all that a person has done to me, and often times get my way.

  5. This is a wake-up call about how I am with my husband. Especially about our home. He is an awesome carpenter and has remodeled almost every room in our house. But my attitude is not always very nice. I think I’m the only one who can ‘pick out’ flooring, paint, tile etc. Instead of him feeling appreciated for all he does, I make him feel inadequate. When he has picked out items, it always looks great! I really need to work on and change my attitude. Thank you for this insightful devotion today. I will use it daily!!

  6. This is a wonderful article. Thanks for sharing this. Love the verse that you shared. Hope you have a great week!

  7. My husband. He keeps telling me that I tell him he’s not good enough. That’s not what I want to do or am trying to do, but that’s what keeps happening.

  8. I should be grateful when my husband does the dishes, but instead I try to control how much water he uses! It drives me crazy when he lets it run and run for no reason. I need to LET. IT. GO. !! ?

  9. I try relentlessly to control my husband especially when it comes to getting projects done around our home. I needed this devotion today. My approach so far has NOT been working and I need to do things in a new way.

  10. Mine is trying to control the behavior of my child at all times — out of concern more of what others will think of me than what they will think of my child.

  11. All things cleaning… laundry, dishes, bathrooms, making beds, etc. You would think I would have the cleanest house in America with how meticulous I am, but sadly if I don’t have the time or energy to do the “whole job” right then… it doesn’t get done. So, because of this, chores only get done half the time and my family takes on an “I don’t want to touch it because Mom won’t like it” attitude.
    And that is just 1 of the areas I’m controlling in. There’s not enough space to type the rest :)

    I TRUELY need to Let It Go!!!

  12. When we’re going on a trip or just into town I just can’t seem to keep my mouth shut telling them to, “Hurry up or we’ll miss the ferry!”

  13. Home maintenance and chores. I am projected oriented and have given myself the role of supervisor rather than helpmate. Boo…these truths were quite convicting.

  14. Yes oh Yes! How to put the kids to bed….when to turn on the tv….the list could go on for centuries.

    My poor, sweet husband. He sometimes says he feels he can never make me happy.
    I will even “ask” his opinion and then do what I want anyway….who does that?

    God Please continue to chip away these imperfections and help me walk in FAITH!!! What a wonderful devotion and Blog this morning!!!

  15. I am getting better at this now that my kids are grown. I used to think my house had to be perfect and the kids had to behave a certain way. I was always afraid of what other thought. I am still having some issues with this it turns out. My son told me he’s gay. Let me tell you my stomach hit the floor. I keep asking myself why. How could he be. He’s always been very involved with his youth group and has some good friends in it. We have always went to church and been very active with friends from church outside of church. I found myself worrying about what others might think. I am working hard on this and praying hard on it also. I’m trying to remember he’s an adult now. Sorry for going on and on. I have found out I still need a lot of help in this area.

  16. I have a hard time in our marriage with getting my way about spending money! Both my husband and I are educated in finance and have backgrounds in banking/finance. So, the decisions aren’t causing financial strain. But if I want something, I’m pretty convincing or know how to beg enough to get what I want. If he doesn’t agree to use “our” money, then I’ll go buy it with “my” money! And if we’re going to spend money on something together, I will go to great lengths to make sure it goes my way or according to my specifications! It’s sometimes pretty manipulative.

  17. In the kitchen! Nobody can do it right in the kitchen except my! Cooking, washing dishes and putting the groceries away!!!! Of course I got it from my mother!

  18. Allowing my children and husband to make mistakes. They obviously allow me to make my own mistakes! Hahaha!

  19. I can’t seem to stop being controlling when it comes to “fixing” those that I love. I want to “fix” circumstances and take on more than I can handle. I need to let go and let God.

  20. I have always tried to control every area of my life. Especially marriage. And I know I have done it out of fear. And I know it was a false illusion. Because God is the only one in control. He knows whats best for my life, marriage, and family. I am slowly trying to learn to release my false control to God. I would love to win your book!

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