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12 Days of Christmas Kindness – Day Two!

12 Days of Christmas Kindness with Karen Ehman

It’s Day Two of 12 Days of Christmas Kindness, giving simple and doable ideas for reaching out to others during the Christmas season. If you missed Day One, where we love bombed our family members with sticky notes, click here.

For Day Two, let’s treat a “necessary person”!

Join the 12 Days of Christmas Kindness at karenehman.com.

A necessary person is someone who helps you get life done each week. So, for day two, gift a cashier, gas attendant, grocery bagger, bank teller, or other worker with a sweet or salty treat. Attach a note thanking them of their diligent work using one of the FREE printable cards below.

Click picture below to download FREE printable cards, and a few blank ones to write your own sentiment if you prefer to do that.

Scatter Christmas Kindness with Karen Ehman - FREE printable cards at karenehman.com

Now for today’s giveaway!!!

20121107_sophie_-26-2Today I’m joined by the fabulous Sophie Hudson, aka BooMama. One of the greatest compliments I have ever received is when a few people have told me that I am the Mid-western version of Sophie (or she is the Southern version of me!)

Sophie is an author, speaker, football fan and Starbucks flat white coffee lover (SAME!) and through her stories, hopes that women find encouragement, hope, and laughter in the everyday, joy-filled moments of life.

Sophie’s Day Two Giveaway is an Amazon Kindle bundle of her three books. (NO worries if you don’t own a Kindle. You can download the free Kindle app and read them on your phone, tablet, or computer) These books are A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet, Home is Where My People Are, and Giddy Up, Eunice.

Get all the scoop on Sophie’s books here and connect with her on on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Want a little taste of her humor? Check out the podcast she co-hosts, The Big Boo Cast.

12 Days of Christmas Kindness Giveaways with Karen Ehman and Sophie Hudson - BooMama.

Are you ready for Day Two? Let’s go!

  1. Leave a comment here with your thoughts on today’s idea for scattering kindness.
  2. Go scatter kindness with your necessary people.
  3. Post on social media using the hashtags #12DaysOfChristmasKindness and #ListenLoveRepeat. You can just post a simple thought. Or, you can save and then share today’s Christmas kindness idea on the graphic above. Or, even better, post a picture of you doing the idea given for scattering kindness. Just be sure to use the hashtags #12DaysOfChristmasKindness and #ListenLoveRepeat And, if you could link to this post when you share, that would be FAB!
  4. Don’t forget our Grand Prize! Those who scatter kindness all 12 days and share on social media will be eligible to win our Grand Prize!
  5. You can comment on all 12 days up until midnight Pacific time, Sunday, December 18. One daily winner will be chosen from each day’s comments and all winners will be announced on Monday, December 19**U.S. Addresses only please.**

The Grand Prize!!!!

Enter to win the grand prize during Karen Ehman's 12 Days of Christmas Kindness.

Now let’s go scatter some Christmas kindness and be sure to come back tomorrow!





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  1. Before even reading today’s post I sprinkled some kindness. This morning I bought some real cute treat bags and filled one with the favorite candy of my apartment building’s tenant coordinator. I live in a building with senior citizens and the disabled. She helps the residents with things like filling out paper work and reading and explaining mail to us. She helps me fill out paper work and fill out my checks for bills and my rent. She also works real hard to make sure we have fun and informative activities. She is a blessing to us all.

  2. Well, currently I am a stay-at-home mom. And, for the time being, my husband & I are not only having to share a car with my parents, but are having to share a home with them, while we are having some work done to our house. That being said, I very rarely get out & away from the house. I’m home everyday with my soon to be 24mo old daughter. So, since I don’t really have a chance to venture out & encounter any “necessary people”, OTHER than my family, I chose my Momma & Daddy as my “necessary people”. Because, they are, beyond a doubt, a big necessity to our everyday lives. They both like Twinkies, but very seldom buy them for themselves. That is what their treat is. I am using the print outs available. I’m going to use the “job” aspect for a little humor. Ha!

  3. I baked and sent a batch of cranberry scones along with my husband to his work place for the rest of the staff. We’re in the middle of a snowstorm here so I couldn’t/didn’t leave the house today.

  4. For each holiday of the year, purchase small candy or novelty items, themed for the occasion, and leave them anonymously on desks.

  5. This is fun trying to s surprise others with hidden notes and treats. I have even challenged my friends to try it.

  6. I had my boys put some Halloween candy in a Ziploc bag with a note that said you are a rock star at your job. We gave it to our garbage man.

  7. Hello Karen, Thank you for the 12 days of Christmas reminder. Today our family is going to share some HOMEMADE COOKIES for our school janitor . HIs name, is Mr. Tony . He works countless hours for our church and school. He goes above and beyond the call of duty each and every day. He always has a positive word to say to everyone he meet.s Our family is sharing with him a plate of Gooey Butter Cookies. Mr. Tony is a blessing to many each and every day and he definitely deserves some Lovin from the oven. God Bless your Advent and Merry Christmas Karen

    Thank you for this FABULOUS idea

  8. I love the cards. Printing them on cardstock and plan to scatter some kindness this week! Mailman, grocery clerk/bagger, and others. Thanks, Karen, for the thoughtful, kind ways you encourage us to share with others! And, I LOVE Listen, Love, Repeat!!!

  9. Everyone needs to feel appreciated. I think this is an awesome kindness gesture. U ROCK!!! Yesterday I forgot to add my hashtags… I’m sorry…

    #12daysof Christmas kindness
    # listenloverepeat

  10. I think I’m going to leave something for the postal carrier. I’m not certain they can accept homemade goodies, so I will leave a candy bar or a snack bag of chips to keep his energy going!

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