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Make Their Day Giveaway!


Congrats to Emily (Comment left on February 9, 2021 at 12:23 pm) You are the winner! Please send your mailing address, along with what it is that you won, to: [email protected] using the email you used when you left the comments and your prize will be mailed to you.


This week, I am celebrating the birth of book baby number 16, Make Their Day: 101 Simple, Powerful Ways to Love Others Well. To do so, I am giving away a fabulous prize package that includes a signed copy of the book, (worth a quarter more at your garage sale that way!) a Kindle Paperwhite, and a six-month subscription to Kindle Unlimited. But, before I tell you how to enter, here’s a bit about the book:

Ever think, “I wish I could do something for them”? Well, discover 101 “somethings” in my practical new book Make Their Day: 101 Simple, Powerful Ways to Love Others WellThis book will equip you to:

  • Encourage and celebrate family, friends, neighbors, and even strangers in unique yet doable ways.
  • Craft an arsenal of ideas for noticing others and making them feel loved.
  • Make creative memories on holidays, holy days, or on just an ordinary day.
  • Place people as a priority in your life, displaying the gospel as you do.

This book will help you develop habits of kindness, reconnect with friends and family, and make encouraging people a priority. Let’s outshine the negativity and hatred in our world, and reach out to others with love, just as God intended.

NOTE: When you order a copy Make Their Day: 101 Simple, Powerful Ways to Love Others Well before February 14, you’ll can receive a FREE downloadable PDF of recipes for Valentine’s Day gifts such as homemade peanut butter cups, cinnamon-spiced nuts and dark chocolate-cherry fudge, along with ready-made Scripture tags for photo-copying, and creative packaging and presentation ideas. Simply order from any retailer and then CLICK HERE to enter your info and claim your free PDF.


Now, how to enter!

Simply leave a comment here telling us someone in your life whom you’d love to do something for in order to make their day and you will be entered to win. BONUS ENTRY: Post about the book on any of your social media accounts and you’ll be entered a second time. (My team will be scouring the hashtag #maketheirday to look for entries!)

Now, go out there and make someone’s day!

(U.S. Addresses only, please. Winners will be announced here and notified via email on Monday, February 15th. If we do not hear back within three business days, an alternate winner will be picked.)

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  1. There are several people that come to mind! I have sisters that I would love to encourage in a special way! And a friend that lost her dad in November.

  2. To be honest, I would like to make my day! I don’t want to sound selfish but I
    do have a hard time on this season . I feel lonely, I don’t work, but I’m always praying and looking for encouraging ways to lift my soul.

  3. To be honest, I would like to make my day! I don’t want to sound selfish but I
    do have a hard time on this season . I feel lonely, I don’t work, but I’m always praying and looking for encouraging ways to lift my soul.

  4. I would love to do something for my parents. They had to put their dog down yesterday and could use something to make their day.

  5. My youngest daughter. She just turned 27 and has struggled with so many things in her life. It seems that no matter what she does, disappointment follows. This gift would be awesome to give to her. I worry so much about her. She needs the encouragement ??

  6. My friend Martha is giving and kind, going over and above for others. She grows the most beautiful flowers and gives them away in vases and professional-looking arrangements just to make someone’s day. I would love to do something special for her to make her day!

  7. I’d like to do something special for my daughters family. 2 days before Christmas she gave birth to her 4th child and now her husband has been given a scary medical diagnoses.

  8. I would love to do something special for a sweet lady who always does things for others like making food, quilts, face masks, and more. Something unique for her is what I would love to do.

  9. I’d love to do something fun, surprising for my daughter. It’s her birthday this week. She’s so sweet and doesn’t ask for much. I love her and appreciate her and would love to make her day.

  10. I would like to bless my neighbors. …specifically thinking of the mama to 3 boys next door and the new mama a couple houses down the street.

  11. My friend Teresa. She is always looking g in God’s direction and his word to keep her day moving in his presence. I always share my devotionals and we do the Bible app together. I would love to make her day! We are both readers and she is always doing for others and I want her feel special at all cost

  12. My husband! He serves relentlessly and works so hard. I struggle to figure out how to bless him and do something just for him

  13. My dearest friend Kelly. She has been such a blessing to me thru some difficult years I have had with extended family.

  14. I’d love to make a difference in my mom’s day…..so much has changed in her life during the pandemic. A little something special every day would be a great gift to her.

  15. I’d love to bless my best friend Stacy. She is a fellow teacher and, even though we are not able to work in the same district any longer, heck’s in on many every single morning—even if it’s just to say, “Have a great day!” I look forward to her messages so much. ??

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