Stressed-Less Living Giveaway with Tracie Miles

Got stress?

Yeah, you do!

Today’s woman has stressers coming at her from many directions: home, work, mothering, marriage, finances, extended family, schedule, church and community commitments……WHEW!!! I’m stressed just reading that list!

My dear friend and ministry partner Tracie Miles has just released a woman’s go-to-guide for reducing stress and finding peace. Here is what I had to say after reading and advanced copy:

“Women today are stressed out. Whether dealing with cranky coworkers, colicky babies or controlling in-laws, at every turn we encounter more people, responsibilities and situations just waiting to sap our mental energy. The result? Jumpy nerves. Physical ailments. Racing minds. Tracie Miles has been there. Her story is one of a worn-out woman who finally learned how to unload her stress and find sweet rest instead. Her extensive research, biblical insight and practical solutions will help lead you out of the land of frazzle and straight into the presence of the Prince of Peace.”

For those of you feeling like the stress is just about to do you in, get a hold of this book! It it chock-full of so many helpful statistics and biblical advice. Reading it helped to calm even normally hyper me right down!

Click here to buy a copy.

Tracie is giving away a stress-reducing package to one of you that includes:

~ Signed copy of Stressed-Less Living

~ Pink Reading Light

~ Purple Spa Poof

~ Mini-manicure set

If you’d like to be entered in this great giveaway, leave a comment telling us what in your life causes you the greatest stress.

Winner announced Monday.


  1. My schedule can leave me frazzled in a quick minute…when I haven’t left any margin in my life I can get so stressed.

  2. 7 months of house construction next door, three months of sewer work on our street that has resulted in a broken sprinkler system, a ruined lawn, a broken sidewalk, a downed power line in our driveway and (yesterday) a tar-covered minivan…… I’m having eye surgery this month, we’re stretched to the limit on our budget, I have a mystery rash, my best friend’s mom (my second mom) was in a bad accident and isn’t doing well. The list goes on with more personal stuff :). But God is bigger than all of it. There is joy in His presence. It’s almost as if the more stress there is the more of God’s presence I feel. He is so good to me!! I hope to look back some day – maybe from a beach chair in Hawqii – and see how God used this time to grow and change me.

  3. Being sick for the last 2 months and now starting on my 3rd round of antibotics. Trying to keep up with a 3 yr old (grandson I am raising). Life in general. But I am hanging in there with the help of my God and an awesome husband

  4. Being a mother of 4, a elementary school reading teacher, and living close to my aging parents, my biggest stressor is trying to be everywhere for everybody. I feel like there are so many needs to take care of and people who I need to support and encourage. Putting God first is a major challenge for me when I feel drained so drained at times. I know He is my source, but I need lots of reminders and ways to keep the stress in perspective.

  5. Stress for me is watching my teen and young adult children making mistakes that if they continue down that path, will lead to hurt and heartbreak, and not being able to “rescue” them. That keeps me up at night.

  6. What a wonderful book! I think my biggest stressor right now is letting God down when I don’t get my Bible Study done many days in a row. The guilt I can pile on myself is mighty.. Some days there just isn’t enough hours to get everything done that needs doing. Thanks for this great offer!

  7. My stresses come from everyone assuming that my “gifted” children should excel in everything they do. Each child has their own way of learning. Just because they are smart doesn’t mean everything comes easily to them. I have 3 boys in 3 different school locations in one city and trying to keep up with all of their schedules is crazy. I also volunteer for our church, run a bible study, work part-time, and have intestinal health issues. I would like to figure out how to decrease the world & increase God in my life so I can find some type of balance.

  8. I would have to say finances – I was off work for 9 mos, had to have an emergency surgery that cost alot of money. I got a job but not making what I used to make so I am still trying to catch up from 2009.

  9. I have been very stressed out lately. I moved to a new location in July 2011. It is a small town and I have yet to find employment. I have a son in college with increasing debt and the prospect of no income for the upcoming summer because my husband is on a 9 month salary. I have done everything I know to do and still no job. The stress is causing sleep loss which is causing crankiness and depressed mood. I know that God is in control and I will be in the right place when this trial ends but in the meantime I could use some tools to help me tie a knot and hang on.

  10. I have a couple LARGE stressers in my life right now. First, my employer merged with another company this year and we are restructuring everything, including the possibility of job reductions. Second, my calendar is out of control with several unexpected trips, deadlines, and obligations. With limited time to sleep, eat, or play, it’s taken a toll on my spiritual journey.

  11. I feel stressed for many reasons :( i work full time my husband works full time plus we farm. i am also coaching a soccer team that my middle child plays on. It is always something around our house. we have three amazing children and my oldest daughter has a genetic disorder and that has her with an iep in school. homework is very challenging in the evenings. i just try not to sweat the small stuff and thank God that everyone is fairly healthy and that i have a loving husband and family. Cant wait to read this.

  12. I am most stressed by trying to look for a new house while working full-time outside the home and still (trying to) keep the current house and my family taken care of properly.

  13. My husband is a minister, although he was not a minister when we first got married. Many of our church members seem to think the pastor’s family is a clearinghouse for all their problems. So, we know much more than we’d like about a lot of people at church, which makes even sitting in church trying to listen to the message a challenge. Everywhere I look I see people and their personal problems/challenges comes to mind and distracts me. I end up feeling I don’t have time to deal with my own problems and needs because everyone else’s seems to push my to the back burner.

  14. My stress comes from the changes in my life right now…one child home after graduating from college, one starting college and my mom who has dementia…

    Thanks for the opportunity!! Would love to read the book.

  15. I’m the sole parent of 3 teens and an 8 year old. That’s stressful enough on its own but finances are what cause me most stress. No matter how much I budget its still never enough. I know God will supply, I just can’t keep my mind off how I’m going to make ends meet. Stress, ugh.

  16. Well I used to be really stressed out raising my amazing four daughters. I feel badly saying that. But alas, it’s true. I know I can’t go back, but I wish I had been less Unglued, in the words of Lysa Terkeurst! I did try…I was a praying mother, wife, woman. I sought excellent counsel, but I think I just kept saying yes to too much.
    Now I’m a lot calmer. And I wish I could say it is because I’ve changed totally. Yes, God has done a work in me. But it’s also because my circumstances have changed so.
    So my big stresser today? Finances. They’re tight. And I constantly feel like I’m underpaid and overworked. A little cliche, but that’s how I feel. I love my work. And I believe I’m doing what I am called to do…just wish it paid a little better. On the other hand, I am deeply grateful for God’s provision. He does always take care of us!!!

  17. I get stressed with my responsibilities as what people think of me… I recently graduated from grad school and am much younger than most people I manage and its difficult to try and handle my duties as the manager yet handle the fact that Im the new young one around.

  18. I was just pondering this yesterday before I read this post….I get stressed because I still have so much “work” to do when I get home from work. Seems like I never sit down!

  19. Most of my stress is financial. God always provides, and I should know that by now and have faith…but we live paycheck to paycheck and I stress when I go to the grocery store, and budget and plan every single penny until I am a nervous wreck. Thank goodness my husband and children are awesome and helpful and understanding!

  20. I am stressed by not being able to manage my every day life, including a “challenged” 10 year old boy. Between working full time, being a full-time single parent, and managing household chores/finances, stress is a daily factor and that is before we get to ‘homework” in the evenings.

  21. God has blessed me with a wonderful life. Looking back I can see how absolutlely gracious and amazing The Lord is to us. I am about to retire from being a kindergarten teacher and for the first time in my life…….I have no direction!!!!!! The Lord has always had my path up and running.
    So it by faith I move onto the next chapter. It is definitley a stressor because I love to work for The Lord and there is nothing in front of me.
    I absolutley love ths ministry and plan on following it even more closely!!!!!!
    Say hi to Leah for me. !!
    Sue K.

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