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5 Ways to Scatter Kindness Giveaway

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Welcome to those of you who are joining us after reading my Proverbs 31 devotion entitled, No, After You. {If you haven’t read it yet, click here to do so.}

As mentioned in the devotion, here are five ways to scatter kindness and a giveaway based on my book A Life That Says Welcome: Simple Ways to Open Your Heart and Home to Others.


5 Ways to Scatter Kindness

1.Look within your own four walls.

Start with and those who are closest to you. Perhaps even in your very home. What could you do today to make them feel loved and to put them before yourself? Could you do a child’s chore for them? Could you whip up your husband favorite main dish or dessert for supper? Could you lighten someone’s load? Look for tangible ways to put someone in your home before yourself.

2. Look throughout your day.

As you go throughout the day, be on the lookout for people who could use a good dose of kindness. Especially since today is Memorial Day in America, could you bless a veteran? If you run into one at a parade or see one dining in a restaurant, go up and thank them for serving our country. But don’t just thank them, elaborate. Rather than just saying, “Thank you for serving our country” tell them what their service buys you. “Thank you for serving our country so my family and I can sleep in peace.” (or can enjoy a baseball game or worship where and how we want, etc…) Then, buy them something. Pay for their meal or slip them a ten dollar bill so that they can treat themselves and someone they love to ice cream today.

3. Peek into your past.

Is there someone from your past who helped you get to where you are in the present? Call or write to thank to them for the contribution they made to your life. Or post a picture of the two of you, along with a message of gratitude, on their Facebook wall. Be specific. Name a memory you have of what they did that encouraged you. Then encourage them in return.

4. Think about the future.

Is there someone you know who has hopes and dreams for the future? Your kind and encouraging words can help them reach their goal. Tell them you believe in them. Point out aspects of their personality and character qualities they possess that will perfectly position them to reach their dream. Then ask them if there is anything you can do to help and tell them you are going to commit to pray for them as they pursue future plans.

5. Notice the one who least expects to be noticed.

Is there a widow who lives on your street? A shy teenager who buses tables at the local restaurant where your family often eats? A single mom from your kids sports team who is barely making ends meet and rarely gets a day to herself? Surprise them with a gift card to a store, restaurant or business they’d enjoy. {I’ll bet it has been ages since that single mom treated herself to a pedicure!} Tuck it inside a note telling them that God sees them and loves them. Do not sign the card but give or send it anonymously. (If it is an employee, ask for the store’s manager and have then deliver it in secret)

Now for the giveaway:

photo-45Includes a retro apron from Alynn’s Aprons, some note cards, a cube of scrap paper, a five dollar Target gift card, some Bath and Bodyworks coconut lotion, some salted caramel coffee, and a copy of my book A Life That Says Welcome: Simple Ways to Open Your Heart and Home to Others.

Simply leave us a comment telling us someone you would like to sprinkle kindness on today.

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  1. Karen, I just discovered your blog and want to say thank you for sprinkling a little kindness on me today, i needed that. I would like to sprinkly kindness on my daughter, Gabrielle. She has epilepsy and has been having a difficult time lately. I wish I could do more than I already do.

  2. As far as immigrant criminality goes this is a misunderstanding of the nature of immigration. People who are doing well in their own countries do not leave it would be nice for the Swiss if all their immigrants were doctors, rocket scientists and nuclear physicists,API Publ 4772 PDF, but they are not. If you thought oversized convertibles were reserved for the auto department,API Spec 12F PDF, think again; convertible totes are the lifesavers that turn from a shoulder bag and carryall to a simpl

  3. I have five sisters and we each live in different states across the US. We have all been together only three times in the past 40 years. I would like to sprinkle kindness their way by staying in contact and asking God to help them each with the struggles in their lives. Maybe even send them some flowers with a note, “just because.”

  4. I would like to be able to be kind to everyone I come in contact with. I ask the Lord to show me ways that I can show His glory to others.

  5. My mom. She has done so much for me and has gone through a rough health time. I need to make sure she knows how much I appreciate everything she does.

  6. A woman that goes to my church! She is the pictured kindness! She is always looking at how’s he can bless everyone. 3 years ago I was in the hospital after having my son. She was everything to my kids, my husband, and to me. She made sure we had visitors, babysitters, and visitors. She wrote out bible verses for me, downloaded Christian music, prayed with me everyday, and was always there with a smile! She blessed me and continues to bless everyone with nothing asked in return. She takes care of her adult special needs sister with love and compassion! I could go on and on but there is not enough room!

  7. I would like to scatter kindness on so many people. But I think my family at home deserves it so much for putting up with me when I’m overwhelmed, discouraged, etc. My husband and daughter are so loving and kind to me even when I’m in a not-so-good mood.
    Love them so much!

  8. Thanks for the image of “scattering” kindness! I would like to do that so much more often, especially in my own house. My husband and 2 sons often get the frazzled wife/mom who has a hard time scattering kindness. I pray for the reminder to do this tomorrow!

  9. A mother in my community (whom I never met) tragically lost her 7 year old daughter over the weekend in a freak accident. I would like to bless her and her family by bringing them a hot meal.

  10. I have a friend whose son has been very ill and fighting for his life after complications from back surgery. She has spent the better part of the past six months in the hospital with him, always putting her son’s needs ahead of her own. I would love to find a way to scatter some kindness in her life, even though she lives on the opposite coast from me. Thanks for this opportunity, Karen!

  11. My husband is in an Acute Care facility recovering from a partially collapsed lung. The man who is his roommate is not easy to be with due to frequent outbursts and constant demands. This morning we heard the nurse explaining to him that he would soon be transferred to a Hospice facility where they will discontinue treatment. As I read your column, I realized God put him there for us to be Jesus for him in word and deed. Thank you …I needed a reminder that “as long as you do it for the least of these, you do it for Me”.

  12. We went to a parade today and clapped the entire time! It made me get a little choked up thinking of the ultimate sacrifice brave men and women have made for not only myself but my dear family! I was able to bless my little family as well as three nieces and one nephew! My husband and I must have been a sight with eight ducklings between us! God is so good! I want to strive to put others beforehand each and every day! Thank you for your devotional!

  13. I’d like to sprinkle more love & kindness on my 7 & 9 year olds. My son & I have the same personalities & we tend to butt heads quite a bit. I also am planning on treating my friend to lunch or dinner.

  14. I’d pick my 86 year old mom who lives with us. Sometimes it’s easy to get a little frustrated with older people, but she never seems to get frustrated with me and does everything she can to make sure she’s not a bother. In fact, sometimes a little too much. I’d rather do things for her and love to do them. So…I’d sprinkle some kindness on my mom instead of a short-temper.

  15. Just this weekend we brought our troubled teenage niece home with us to spend the weekend. This gave both her parents and her a break from one another. It was a nice weekend.

  16. I want to bless my brother in law who served in Afghanistan several years ago. He was in active combat and has told me many stories that would break anyone’s heart. His faith in Jesus Christ was the only thing that kept him going for months and months of fire fights. He is truly a hero.

    Thanks for encouraging us to encourage others!!

  17. I need to take a minute right now, and give my 10 year old daughter a hug. She is putting away dishes to help me get ready for our 39th showing on our house tomorrow. And although she hates showings, because we have to clean and put away all our clutter, she is willingly doing it, and WITHOUT ME EVEN ASKING!!! We have been learning about the fruits of the spirit in home school the last couple weeks. I think she’s demonstrating. So I am getting off the computer and going to spend some quality time and take some TIME OUT from cleaning to love on her. thanks for the reminder!!!

  18. I showed kindness to my husband and step son today, I packed their coolers and supplied snacks for their fishing trip. I also made breakfast and dinner. I spoke to strangers in the pharmacy and asked how they were and I listen to their reply. I have found that sometimes people just need to know you care and are not just saying “hi, how are you?” I tried to teach my boys to never ask a question if they were not going to listen to the answer. I like the list and my plan is to go forward with kindness. Thank you for sharing with us.

  19. I am encouraged to do an act of kindness for a teacher at my child’s school who has encouraged him when he needed it most <3

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