Happy Wives Club Giveaway with Fawn Weaver

Okay friends…here is another treat for you!  Fawn Weaver, a successful business executive and marriage advocate is here today sharing her journey on finding happy wives and marriages across the globe.  Plus she is giving away three autographed copies of her debut book, Happy Wives Club.

Now meet Fawn Weaver, in her own words.


 I “love my life as K. Weaver’s wife” (exactly what is written on my car license plate frame).  My husband, Keith, and I were married in 2003 and like fine wine our relationship just gets better with time.  I’ve loved being a wife from the moment I said “I do.”

I’m not a stay-at-home wife, I’m a former hotel general manager-turned real estate investor-turned USA Today® and New York Times® bestselling author.  I’ve always worked long hours, as does Keith, but we continue to keep the fire lit in our marriage.  I absolutely love being married and began wondering how many other wives there are like me.

I am a Proud Wife.  I am a Happy Wife.  But if I actually believed the television shows, magazine articles or books out at the moment, I’d think the term “Happy Wife” is an oxymoron and the enjoyment I’ve experienced throughout these years together is an anomaly.

Decades of the media bombarding us with visions of unhappy wives (Stepford Wives, Desperate Housewives, The Real Housewives of [fill in your town]) and daunting divorce statistics made me think about the rarity of my marriage and the joy I feel as a wife.  Then it hit me!  I can’t be the only one.  There must be others out there who view marriage and spending time with their husband as one of the absolute greatest blessings in their life.

With this thought in mind, I set out on a mission.  I believe there are millions of wives all over the world just like me and I’m determined to find them and give a voice to this seemingly rare woman conveniently missing from all forms of media and entertainment.

On a whim, Fawn started the blog HappyWivesClub.com and sent the link to 5 friends. What started as a casual invitation to five women exploded into an international online club with 150,000 members in more than 100 countries.  

Founded  in 2010, HappyWivesClub.com  has now grown into a community of more than 600,000 women in more than 110 countries. This upbeat blog is dedicated to positively changing the tone about marriage. It has attracted more than 5 million visitors and was twice named best marriage website by About.com (2012 & 2013).

Fawn’s debut book, Happy Wives Club is her journey across the world to meet new friends and discover what makes their marriages great. Join Fawn on this exciting, exotic trip across six continents and through more than eighteen cities.

Walk the streets of Mauritius, the historic ruins in Italy, and the vistas of New Zealand and Australia. Go from Cape Town to London, Manila to Buenos Aires, Winnipeg to Zagreb.

Along the way, you will meet everyday women whose marriage secrets span cultures. You will hear their stories, witness their love, and be inspired by the proof that happy, healthy marriages do exist—and yours can be one of them!

It turns out great marriages are all around us—when we look for them. Go on a trip with Fawn and learn the best marriage secrets the world has to offer.

Now for the giveaway. happy wives  3

Three fabulous people will win an autographed copy of Fawn’s book Happy Wives Club.  Leave a comment below on what “secret” has helped you to make your marriage happier or one piece of advice you would give to a wife just starting out that would help her to be a Happy Wife.

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  1. During 31 years of marriage I have learned to be my husbands greatest fan. I’m his cheerleader. I try to encourage him in something
    daily. Even when we have struggles I try and look for something to encourage him with. My words can be powerful to him.

  2. When I get annoyed at some small thing my husband has done, I remind myself of the things I do that I know must annoy him far more – and that helps me to just let it go!

  3. I am so encouraged when I hear of thriving, happy marriages. I have been married to my best friend for 21 years. We have a wonderful relationship, but it is only because God is at the center of it. When we glorify Him first with our lives, our relationships can’t help but be blessed. We are by no means perfect and we do mess up, but this is our #1 goal. It has worked for us. The book sounds wonderful. Thank you for the chance to win a copy!

  4. Remember that your husband is your gift from God. He was designed specifically for you. Treasure your time together and make sure he feels loved and respected. My husband appreciates the small things I do for him. He’s taught me a great deal about grace and forgiveness. He’s my best friend, my gift, designed specially for me. :)

  5. Over the years, my husband and I have found that the moments we feel closest to each other are also the times when we are closest to God. We make spending alone time with God a daily priority, just like we make spending time with each other a priority. Having strong, intimate relationships with our loving Creator has made our marriage strong and intimate too!

  6. Going thru a difficult time right now… would love to read this book. But if I had to share something that would make my relationship different today would be 1.) CHRIST has to be the center of any relationship 2.) spend time together so that you can keep learning about each other.

  7. Shortly after our marriage I was put on bed rest with our first pregnancy and my husband found himself doing all the housework, taking care of an invalid, and his job. The phrase, “it’s not wrong, just different”, kept my possible complaints silent during those difficult months.

  8. Secret is RUN to God whenever you have problem with husband. We tend to run to friends, mommy, mentors, etc. God has better idea how He can help us than our friends and families do at first. After pouring heart with God, go seek for someone safe to talk with. After all God gives us others to comfort us and others.

  9. I have been married to my best friend for 38 years. We have things that we love to do together, things we love to do alone. He knows when I come home from work and put on my garden gloves – that he needs to fix dinner and give me some space for a short time because it has been one of those days! I know when I come home and he is watching a ballgame rerun – (other than hoping his team wins this time!) that he needs decompression time. So knowing and respecting each other and making a point to do things together sometimes even when we don’t feel like it, but we do it because its important to the other – keeps us strong. We do ministry together as a team as well as separate. I do prison ministry every week and he has dinner waiting on me when I get home! He is my soul mate – my chosen one from God!

  10. My husband and I are best friends!! Taking the time to listen to one another is SO important, showing that you care for and value your spouse (which I DO). We take the time to do things together, even if it’s just reading. I am SO blessed with a Godly husband.

  11. My husband and I are firm believers that the #1 secret to a happy marriage is to remember to keep both sets of eyes on Christ while holding hands. So many storms, obstacles and mountains to navigate. Living a triangle relationship of marriage, with Christ at the peak.
    Blessings to you all,

  12. I am a happy wife too! My husband and I have several secrets. One is that we go grocery shopping together. Can I go by myself? Of course! Can my husband? You bet (he’s actually a better couponer than I am)! But we make the choice to go together when at all possible. I don’t like the shows he watches on tv most of the time, so while he watches tv, i am in the same room, reading a book. It keeps us close together, but we are together. He goes out with the guys and I go out with the girls on seperate nights to have our time apart. This is necessary for both of us. And while we may argue, fuss, or fight on occasion, we move past it and don’t dwell on it. We do things together as much as we can, even it’s just errands because for us, just being together is enough to keep our marriage happy. Along with the occasional kid free date night!

  13. I have been divorced for almost 3 years now after being married 10 yrs. Although my marriage ended due to my husband’s abuse and infidelities, I learned a lot going through the marriage, divorce and post-divorce. I would encourage new wives to always keep God first no matter what! Always communicate honestly your needs to your spouse and be willing to listen (and observe) his needs. Pray without ceasing concerning the big & little things, especially which battles to fight. You must be willing to agree to disagree and do the work that is required to follow God’s instructions. Compromise doesn’t mean you lose, as long as it’s not going against the will & word of God. You actually win! And definitely be true to yourself, use the Holy Spirit as your guage for your walk & talk. Be your authentic self…for your worth isn’t tied to your marriage, children or man. Let God’s love validate you EVERY DAY because He loves you with an everlasting love…especially in those moments of feeling unappreciated! God bless you all!!!

  14. Our sense of humor helps. Our first year of marriage was the most difficult as we adjusted to each other differences. I try my best not to nag my husband. After 27 years, there are some things I realize I will never be able to change in him. Instead I consciously look the other way and accept that there could be more catastrophic things in our marriage than the crumbs he leaves all over the counters when he prepares anything. Don’t major on the minor. Amazingly, there are some things that my husband has voluntarily started doing in the last couple years – like clearing the table or setting it – never done in the first 25 years!

  15. We just celebrated Aug 21, 43 years of marriage. Good times and hard times. We have made it because we have to know the words ” I forgive you”, or “I am sorry”. I have never talked bad about my husband amongst anyone! Our children have never heard me talk bad about their Dad. None of our siblings have heard us talk bad about each other. It amazed me how many commented last week how they are trying to model their marriage after us. We just want to leave a legacy of what a Christian marriage is like. Our children watch us to know how to react to similar situations. We were blessed to find each and we know God had his hand in it and He is still on top of it today for us. So happy to hear of the Happy Wives Club.

  16. I would love this book ~ but, don’t feel I have any good advice to share right now! :( Feeling overwhelmed by life right now! :(

    1. Bless you Tamara! We all feel overwhelmed at times..try to go easy on yourself and don’t think you have to be ‘super woman’! Give yourself a pat on the back for small achievements and always believe that no matter how things appear…that God has a plan for your family life, whether you acknowledge Him or not! There is Nothing you can do to make Him love you more..Nothing you can do to make Him love you less..it is purely by the Grace of God…Just trust Him and things Will work out

  17. Yesterday we celebrated 8 years of marriage! Marriage is a labor of continuous love and forgiveness which leads to growth. It all starts with Jesus Christ. Draw close to Him in the good times and the hard times and watch the beautiful transformation of two people becoming one.

  18. The best advise I think I could give was what my mother gave to me and that was: ” Always be friends,so that you can discuss anything, always open with your feelings and you are never lose for something to talk about. It has been so true! My husband is my best friends and we laugh and talk everyday about everything.

  19. Try really hard to not take small comments personally. Men don’t always understand of how they come across. Plus….I learned from ready the book Love and Respect, complaining about money is very hurtful to our husbands. When we complain….they feel they aren’t providing, and it is ingrained in men that they need to be the provider.

  20. I am “doing marriage” for the second time around after losing my first husband after almost 20 years of marriage in a tragic accident. I’m learning daily to be a servant! I’m also learning that my husband can NOT be my “god”, only God can fill all the empty places in my heart! When I look to God to fill them, my husband is free to be human and our lives are MUCH, much sweeter! :)

  21. Your marriage is TRIANGLE. Think about the three sided triangle. you and your husband on the two bottom corners with God at the top. As you climb the sides by getting closer to God, you grow closer to your spouse. So if both the husband and the wife are growing closer to God, they are growing closer to each other.

  22. There are a few bits of advice I have shared over the years.
    Pray for your husband.
    Make decisions together.
    Hold hands. Hug often. Greet each other with a kiss.
    Actively listen to him. Think about what he is sharing with you and not about what you want to say.
    Dream together.
    Think of him as you go about your day.
    Don’t speak badly about your husband – ever.
    Married 34 years.

  23. One secret that was shared with me that has helped me in my marriage is to always think the best about my husband. If it appears like he did aomething wrong or if he said something that might be offensive, always first think the best. Start with the fact that you know that he loves you. And then follow it up with other positive things you know that goes against the idea of him doing whatever it is it appears to be. Or if he said something, remember that he loves you. And work through from there thinking about what external or internal things could have triggered him.saying what he said. For me it eliminates the what if game, or the imaginary argument where i shred him to pieces verbally,

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