
I Want All The Answers Now

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d8.22Did you find your way here after reading my Proverbs 31 devotion today called I Want All The Answers Now? If so, welcome!

If not, this devotion is on wanting God to “spiritually skywrite”, telling us just the whats and whys of life along the way rather than making us wait. {Sometimes a loooooong time!} You can read the devotion by clicking here but be sure to come back here to share a prayer request and enter to win a copy of my book and Bible study curriculum LET. IT. GO. How to Stop Running the Show & Start Walking in Faith. 

Okay……..are you back? Great!

In the devotion I say:

By God not giving us explanations at each turn, it builds our faith. We can go to Him in prayer asking Him to calm our anxious hearts. We can ask Him to increase our faith so we aren’t consumed by the questions, and help us trust that He — the ever-wise parent — has good in mind for us.

It is God’s job to unfold our future. It is our job to trust and glorify Him as He does. Let’s stop asking Him to spiritually skywrite all the answers and let’s write His promises on our hearts instead. And then? Let’s live like we believe them.

So, what prayer requests do you have? Please share them here. {I’ll be popping in here on and off over the weekend to see your requests and pray. And I hope you all will pray for each other. Using the “reply” feature to someone’s comment and actually telling them you are praying, or even typing out a short prayer, is so uplifting and I encourage you to do so.}

let-it-go-bundleOne person will be chosen from among the comments and replies to win a copy of my book LET. IT. GO.: How to Stop Running the Show & Start Walking in Faith, along with the 6-week DVD teaching series including one Bible study guide.

You may watch and do this Bible study alone or gather a few friends or church members and form a group.

LET. IT. GO. is a somewhat humorous, yet spiritually practical book will help you to:

  • Take control of your schedule yet welcome interruptions from God
  • Draw the line between mothering and micromanaging
  • Influence your husband instead of manipulating him
  • Learn to control your emotions when you can’t control the circumstances
  • Stop pursuing the appearance of perfection and start pursuing the person of God

Okay friends, what prayer requests do you have, especially the ones where you wish you had all the answers now?

{Don’t forget to hop on and reply to pray for others!}

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  1. Dear Lord,
    Please help me to live by faith not fear. Fear leads to a desire to control more things in my life and increased anxiety. This spills over to others, especially family. Help me to be filled with your peace by truly believing and trusting in your promises.

  2. I am on the verge of homelessness, have a severe mental illness and struggling in many overwhelming areas. Suicidal thoughts are there in the background of my stress. I don’t understand why God says He provides for the birds and clothes the grasses but I don’t feel provided for and I am friends with countless other homeless people that sleep under cardboard in the winter if they are lucky. How can God say He is providing for these people? What is missing in the equation of His promises? Is it fair to say every homeless person has lacked in the faith department or has been disobedient to God? Can’t people hit hard times like job and it not be because of anything they have done or not done? Where is Gods promises in these situations? I’m so confused and although I’m taught the bible doesn’t contradict itself it seems so apparent to me at times that it does. i need major prayer. thanks

  3. Well, I have been going through a rough season since May. I lost my job. I have never been good at taking up for myself. With the help of my spiritual sisters in Christ I am learning. I will be asking the Superintendent of the school system I was working in to look at the circumstances, and overturn the decision made by administration about the incident that led to my termination.
    Please pray for me that the Holy Spirit fills me with confidence and strength to stand up for myself with dignity. Also that I may graciously, trust and accept Gods decision without “Wanting All Of The Answers” ;)

  4. I would appreciate prayers for peace amid the uncertainty of life. My husband is in between jobs right now, and we are expecting our first child in January. I have been encountering many obstacles in my ministry ( I teach natural family planning), and have become very discouraged. I want to trust in God’s timing, and that he is taking care of us.

  5. Father, I ask that You would guide and direct the path and need of every woman who has posted a request for their needs. Do the work in our hearts that You desire to. Teach us all Lord to trust deeply in You and give us the faith to believe in Your promises in very darkest moments. Foegive our unbelief Lird and help us to believe. Give us eyes of faith and cause our ears to hear Your still small voice. Fill us all with You tender mercies and help us to be Your salt and life on this earth and in our families. Thank You Lord that You hear the cries of our hearts and that You bend low to answer.

  6. My prayer is to trust God with everything and to learn to wait patiently even though I want the answers Now. My marriage needs to restoring. My husband seems to have emotionally walked away. I can’t find ways to connect with him on any level. He seems to just be “there”. I get frustrated and anxious because I am a “fixer” and no matter what I do or try I seem to get nowhere. I need strength to keep going and to keep trying. I don’t want to give up, but it’s so mentally, emotionally and physically exhausting. I need to strengthen my hope and faith, peace, and most of all to completely trust God that he is helping me through this.

  7. This was a touching devotional thar speaks to my heart. I have my older sister living with me of late. Her life has become a shipwreck. She suffers from bipolar dissorder and deep depression. I get anxious and fear her becoming dependent on me because her whole life revolved around her family which is torn and tattered these past few years. She has never made a life for herself and this weighs heavy on my heart. I want to help her but not alliw her to depend on me for her comfort and dependency. Pllease pray for her for deep emotional and mental healing and for me that God would give me very specific wisdom in relating to her and guiding her. I know that only God can deliver and heal her. My hope is that she will be able to live independently one day with peace and Gods mercies ruling her heart . Thank you all.

  8. Anxiety is truly horrible, as it clutters and corrupts our thought life so we can’t trust God the way we want. I feel the need to wait to ‘see’ what God is doing before I walk into things….which means for the most part that my life is on hold. So tired of living like this….would love the book as a resource.

  9. My prayer is that I do a better job turning things over to God and trusting Him. My Dad has Alzheimer’s. I am a control freak and I think I can “fix” everything, but this I cannot. I find myself now trying to take care of two families (my 9 year old and husband/my parents). I’ve been burning the candle at both ends. My prayer is for faith, peace, strength and energy. Thank you for praying for me and my family. May God bless you all.

  10. Lord, please help me to see that me not knowing what my future holds is a way for me to grow. I need to strengthen my relationship with you and instead of worrying about my relationship with others. I know that you will give me the desires of my heart if I am faithful to your word!

  11. For nearly 20 years I have been praying that God would touch my husband and bring him into His Kingdom. I have not expressed my desires to have him turn to the Lord but in all my actions have been to express Christ to him. After a bout with bladder cancer, I felt sure he would give his heart to Jesus, but that never happened. God has a perfect time-table and I want to trust Him that my husband will enjoy His presence and grow in Christ. It is so frustrating at times to see him reject the way of the Lord. I feel our time together is only so long and maybe I need to relax and trust in God to deal with my husband. Pray I would not get impatient and lose my testimony of God’s love.

    1. I find myself in the same situation as you. I pray that your husband and mine will one day turn to God. Let’s keep praying.

  12. My prayer is for strength and more faith to get through an ugly custody battle and trust that my daughter is in Gods hands and that He will protect and provide for her as He always has. I pray that she will know that she is wanted first and foremost by her Heavenly Father and that He has great plans for her. That she will trust in him when she is scared or sad or hurt and that she will find peace. I am also praying for all of you ladies and appreciate you thinking of us in your prayers as well.
    God bless.

    1. Oh, Alicia, I am echoing your prayer for strength and faith. May Jesus carry you as He carries your daughter, too. “Father, please be Alicia’s strength and her daughter’s comfort. Thank you that Alicia knows that her daughter is in your mighty hands. May this precious girl experience the depth and breadth of your love. May she know your faithfulness and live in the truth that she is adored and wanted by you, that your plans for her are to give her “hope and a future” (Jer 29:11). And, Lord, bring peace not only to Alicia’s daughter but also to her. Take this ugly custody battle and somehow, as only YOU can, work something good and beautiful out of the mess. Amen.”

  13. Thank you for this devotion. I was literally in tears from frustration as I opened my email and read the title, “I want the answers now.” I knew before I read that God was speaking to me. My prayer request is that I would lift my controlling hands off God’s plan over me, and that I would instead use them to fully surrender to His will with the confidence that He will take care of me. I am a wife and mother of 4. As long as my children have been alive, I have worked full time as a teacher. Last year The Lord told me to let it go, and fulfill my greater purpose, which is music ministry. I thought that sounded crazy so I worked another year. I was miserable and I knew I was outside of God’s will. So June 6th was my last day as a teacher. The summer went well and I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with my kids. My debut single was released on July 29th (With my Life by Lakeisha Solomon), and that was an incredible experience!!! However last Monday my children went back to school and I have had a hard time scheduling with my producer to get back into the studio. When I’m here at home I feel this overwhelming pressure to DO something. It’s quite torturous and I’m battling so many ideas in my mind. Meanwhile the bills keep coming… I hear The Lord telling me to trust Him, to wait on Him, to seek Him… and I WANT to do those things! But little things happen and I get so frustrated I break down and cry. I just want to fully surrender and not go back and “pick the issue up” tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers!!! God bless you all!!

  14. I recently let go of my father and that past, a friend who I struggled with for years getting over and my fiancé all in one day! My fiancé wasn’t showing fruits, had no desire to seek God, reD His word or go to church. I had to let that go as hard as it was. I’m struggling & I need strength, guidance & wisdom. I feel like peter out on the water. I’m scared, I’m nervous and I’m trying to have faith and not ask Him why!!

  15. I definitely struggle with trust. I don’t see how God had my or my children’s best interest in mind when He allowed my ex to gain custody of them when he had an undocumented relationship with his 12 year old student. Being unable to have more children when I remarried and seeing my kids walk away from God caused me to be in more overwhelming pain. I’ve prayed for God to give me another passion in life, because all I’ve ever wanted to be is a wife and stay at home mom. I haven’t walked away from God, but please pray that my trust in him would be strengthened.

    1. He’s now married to that student that is more than 20 years younger than him. They are leading my kids astray.

  16. Thanks for this devotion! I’ve recently undergone some major life changes after experiencing panic attacks that never used to exist. I knew I had to let something go in my life to release some of the pressure. I chose to “pause” trying to earn my degree and keep my job. But it seems that God had other plans, because now, all of a sudden, I have no job and am enrolled in classes at my local community college. Loosing my job happened a couple of weeks before college classes were to begin, so I still had time to register, and already had financial aid approved. Some how I feel God is leading me in this direction that was completely different from the path I thought I was supposed to take. So, I guess my prayer is for strength to trust him as these changes unfold and my classes begin next week. The part in your devotion that blessed me the most was where it said “to write His promises on our heart…and then? Live like we believe them.” Powerful words of promise to hold onto as I venture on this new path God has laid out for me.

  17. I would appreciate some prayers for my relationship. I feel like it’s falling apart and I’ve been praying and praying and nothing seems to be getting better. It’s all on me to change my attitude, my trust, submissiveness, blowing things out of proportion, and drama. I’m only 21 and I feel like I have a lot of growing up to do. I know that praying isn’t all I have to do to change, I need to better myself, I’m just struggling with the how. I have some major trust issues that I’m desperately trying to let go of but can’t get them off my mind. I worry that it’s affecting my health because it’s consuming my mind.

    1. Katie, I know how you feel…I’m in similar situation with my trust issues and fear to be betrayed/hurt. Saying a prayer for you!

  18. Please pray for me as I am struggling with my relationship. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years. The main thing for me in the relationship is trust, loyalty and faithfulness (I’ve been always struggling with those because I grew up with the example if my father being a liar and a cheater and the person who never took responsibility for the pain he’d caused our family). My boyfriend betrayed and lied to me in the past couple times. I am hurt and don’t trust him. He said he wants to be with me and is sorry for his past actions. He wants to be a good man to me. I became very angry, bitter, resentful and demanding with him. We fight a lot. I feel like our relationship is falling apart. Please pray for me so I can find forgiveness in my heart and let it go, so I stop demanding things from him and start putting my trust in God for the first time…So I can stop being anxious and afraid of people/him him in particular hurting me and betraying me again behind my back. Thank you! Angela

    1. I can’t help but notice that we posted a similar prayer request. I almost thought it was mine. Just wanted to let you know I said a little prayer for you and your situation. No one deserves to be trapped in their mind like that everyday.

  19. I could use a prayer for my job…I’ve been at the same one for 6 years now and I really do not see why I am here. I’ve been praying to see God’s purpose in it, as I do not see any doors opening for other jobs. The bottom line is I am thankful to have a job in this economy and in general, but I’d love to be passionate about what I do and acknowledged at my workplace too :)

  20. Karen your devotion was amazing and just what I needed to read. I pray daily for direction and peace. I have went thru some trying times emotionally with the man whom I love. I want so much to know what the future pages in my book withhold, I feel like it would help me not be so over-emotional with the unsureness I have so heavily from time to time. I pray that God will heal my heart and calm my anxiousness with the peace, love, and grace that I know only He can give me. I pray for guidance on how to pray for favor and blessings to be poured over me and my love’s mind and heart so we can more abundantly love eachother as well as others more fully. In Jesus name Amen.

  21. I need direction yet patience. I feel that God is moving things around in my life. But at the same time I feel like I’m going nowhere. Last year I adopted a baby girl. Best decision in my life. But I want to give her all the things I had growing up and can’t. It really bothers me. I am overwhelmed with school loans and feel like I am in a financial jail cell. I have a great job but it doesn’t pay enough to give me what I want. On the flip side, I see where God is using me to help unite my church and community in answering the call to care for orphans. So I want to be effective in that area. If that is what He wants me to do, then I want to trust Him to follow through and give it 100 percent. Basically, I just want to follow no matter where and be patient for what’s to come.

  22. Please pray for so many issues hitting my family right now. Health issues, great financial issues, my sister in deep depression and wanting to take her life. My son who has gone thru a divorce and hasn’t gone back to church since then. I am lifting them all up to God in prayer, but I do get weary sometimes…

    1. Janice,

      May God bless you and your family with strength and direction. I pray that he renew your spirit and fill you back up with the love and joy only he can give. Shine His light onto your family and people in your live so that they see the Allmighty God who showers your life with such peace. God bless you Janice! :)

  23. With school starting and me going through changes at work and my mom having health issues it has just been a lot of stress and worry. I feel like I have a storm cloud in my head and I can’t think through all the noise and craziness. My prayer is for peace, calm and clarity. Thank you for your post on P31 and your blog and especially for your prayers.

  24. We are in a serious financial hardship. We seem to take one step forward, and two steps back. I am losing hope, and find the uncertainty of our future very hard. Praying for peace.

    1. Lisa, may God bless you and your family with peace and hope. Do not give up, God will come through for you and your family. Trust Him completely.

  25. Please pray that I stay strong in my faith. My father is dying from myelodysplasia (and is so very difficult to deal with). As difficult as he is, I love him so deeply. Also, I went through a very painful divorce 3 years ago after a very long term marriage and have found a man that I thought was someone I wanted to walk through life with. I have recently discovered qualities that aren’t consistent with what I want for myself and I’m heartbroken. I’m struggling with trusting God and paying attention because I have created a story in my head how this should go. I know God has a plan, I just need to get out of the way.

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