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When You Wear Too Many Hats

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Welcome to you joining by finding your way here from my Proverbs 31 Ministries devotion today called Wearing Too Many Hats. {To read it, click here but be sure to come back for the giveaway!}

When You Wear Too Many Hats: Giveaway of Pressing Pause: 100 Quiet Moments for Moms to Meet with Jesus at karenehman.com

Do you also wear too many hats? Are you a counselor, co-worker, daughter, sister, friend, wife, mother, aunt, grandma, neighbor, chef, nurse, counselor, referee, committee chair, and oh, yeah … a woman of God?

Maybe it is time you pressed pause and pulled back to refresh and refuel.

PPIf you want to be entered to win one of three copies of my latest book Pressing Pause: 100 Quiet Moments for Moms to Meet with Jesus leave a comment here tell us what hats you wear during the course of the week or why you need to press pause for a while.

It’s time we moms grabbed a little piece of quiet.


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  1. I don’t wear as many hats as some of these other women but, I truly need help with just being a daughter of the One True King! I struggle so much with anxiety and anger management and I have a 3 yr old son who tests my patience daily (well some days hourly) I could really benefit from reading this book! Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!

  2. Thank you for picking the perfect Bible verse for me today! I have hats falling off all over the place today. I’m unemployed, frustrated by the lack of job listings for which I’m qualified. I have a chronic illness, fretting about symptoms flaring up today that leave me wondering what I can do today and what the future holds. I have two beautiful children, one of whom has a tic disorder. Writing them down makes me feel like complaining, when I’m also wearing beautiful hats including marriage to a good man, two beautiful children who barrel through any barriers put in their way, support from family and friends. And as you’ve reminded us, a loving God who doesn’t give us more hats than can fit on our head.

  3. I’m a wife, mom, grandma, pastor’s wife: Bible study leader, children’s teacher, cook for our weekly Bible study/dinner , counselor, referee, tutor, craft lady, chauffeur, etc. I am learning how to take more time for me, to study and meditate on God’s Word and spend time with Him.

  4. Wife, mother, daughter, friend, employee, chauffeur, chef, dishwasher, laundress, keeper of all things, scheduler of all appointments, housekeeper, personal shopper, etc, etc, etc. Am I a little overwhelmed right now? Maybe a little. :/

  5. I suppose I wear the same multiple hats as most moms/wives, working long hours and commuting 2 hours per day. I am finding myself at a place now that I see hope of slowing down and creating white space in my calendar. However, the struggle to find quiet time as daughter of the King of Kings is real. This post really spoke to me. Daughter to the King of Kings should be first priority. With two children now in college, and one still at home, I feel the need to build into the youngest child more than ever. I know that quiet time for me will mean more meaningful time with him. This books sounds like a great start.
    Thanks for all you do! God bless you richly.

  6. Working full time, mother of two, wife of a coach, daughter/care giver to an ailing mom, friend to many, volunteer with non profit organizations. I crave the white space on my calendar. Some days I don’t know if I am coming or going. This book looks like it would be perfect – love your ministry!

  7. I do wear so many hats: child of God, wife, mom, friend, volunteer. I need to pause to be able to more clearly hear God’s voice and to make sure I’m following His will for my life, not just what I think I should be doing. His ways are always better!

  8. Hats: Mom, wife, friend, employee…I need a pause to collect my thoughts. Often I schedule too many things in one day and then I get myself overwhelmed. Pausing helps me to re-evaluate whats what and de-stress.

  9. I have two Nieces-in-law that I love very much – and my nephews too, of course! One has a one year old and the other about to become a new mother. I would love to win a copy of this book for them. I try to be alert to opportunities to pass on to them and my nephews connections to Jesus – reminders that their faith and relationship with our Lord is most important and not the busyness of their lives.

  10. Thank you for this devotional! It really speaks to me. I Amon an ongoing journey to rid my life of busyness. I have made progress, but still have room to make more! Just last night I was recognizing that I need more white space. A friend has been talking about this book, Pressing a Pause, and I would love to win a copy! Thank you! Blessings upon your ministry ??

  11. Great message! I wear many hats: mom, wife, chauffeur, maid, cook, personal shopper, co-worker, etc… Nothing different from most other working moms. I try to “pause” for a few minutes at my desk everyday to reflect and talk to God. Some days I do better than others. Thank you for the on-going encouragement and for the chance to win your book :)

  12. I wear many hats – child of God, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, co-worker (part-time job), preacher’s wife, cook, laundry worker, house cleaner, taxi driver (to kids), etc. Life is busy and can quickly feel overwhelming. Pressing pause, stepping back and looking at life as the Bible directs us is something I often struggle to do and need to be reminded of! Would love your book to help me focus more earnestly on this!!

  13. Thank you Karen for this timely devotional. I am a stay-at-home mom of three girls ages 8 to 13. I have spent the last 13 years of being home with my girls frantically searching for ANY hat, and as MANY hats as possible, for me to feel IMPORTANT. Somehow, I have felt being a stay-at-home mom and wife was good but only if I was also on the PTA at each of the girl’s school, and only if I coached all their teams, and only if I taught Sunday School at church and led Bible study in my home, and ONLY IF…..you get the point. I have spent the last 13 years staying as busy as possible, often to the detriment of my family, all for the purpose of trying to feel important and worthy.

    Over the past 3 months, I have been removing things from my to-do list. I have been ignoring what the world says about busyness (the more activities/responsibilities the better) and listening to what God says (I am a chosen and redeemed child of God). My status as a daughter of the King of Kings is not dependent on any committees or activities I do on earth. I became a daughter of the King the minute I chose Jesus to be my Lord and Savior! Amen!!

    I am intentionally choosing to put my crown firmly in place every morning before any other hats come out of the closet. I am choosing to ignore all the messages from the world that “more is better” and choosing to believe the truth that when I seek the Lord FIRST, He will guide me and meet my needs. When I begin my day in God’s word, my day ALWAYS goes better, more PEACEFULLY, and with better PURPOSE.

    Thank you for the reminder today that God wants us first and foremost to seek HIM. HE will take care of the rest!

  14. I am a wife and working mother to a running, singing, playing, teething, potty training two year old, not to mention two dogs and “Baby Turtle”. We are settling into our new home (a month and a half post-move) and I’m so blessed to have an amazing Christ-filled husband, who wakes early and spends time in prayer for our family and in study of God’s word. I’ve felt God’s pull on my heart to spend more time in His Word, but when I wake in the morning, I’m running, from 5:00 until bedtime, when I fall into bed exhausted. I would so love to be able to press pause on my busy day and have just those few extra minutes to spend with Him. I’m also a classic worrier, and today’s key verses are such a comfort to me. The Lord has taught us to trust in Him over and over and He has always shown His love and greater plan in the end. What a wonderful God we serve!

  15. I wear many different hats during the day, but today’s devotional reminded me to put on the hat of daughter of the King first. Knowing I am God’s child and loved by him , makes every other hat easier to wear.

  16. I am a stay at home mom of two girls, 7 months and 2 and a half. I am a cook, housekeeper, nanny, nurse, wife. I am only getting average 5 hours of sleep a night which is interrupted twice by the baby waking and nursing. I am so exhausted I can’t think straight, let alone find a moment to read God’s word.

  17. As a teacher of middle school kids and a mom of a boisterous 3 1/2 year old boy, I have found that I pile way too much onto my plate and find extra hats to wear. With summer just recently underway, I have been guilty of over scheduling activities for my little family because I’ve been afraid of that quiet down time that eludes me during the school year. I know now that I absolutely need the quiet time to refocus on Him and to follow His word.

  18. I’m learning again to pause and listen. After years of chasing two girls with multiple activities, a husband who teaches Agriculture, and all the activities of being a high school English teacher/department chair sponsoring UIL, NHS and class activities, I find myself struggling to put my feet under me for pause. The girls are in college and we are approaching retirement. I am listening and searching to find God’s balance in my life. Where does he want me to serve, but not only alone but with my husband?

  19. I’m wife, mother of eight (six of whom still live at home), grandmother of four, accountant for two businesses plus our household, assistant to my husband who is a campaign manager, homeschool teacher, chef, cleaner, taxi driver, laundress, gardener, friend, daughter, sister, aunt, counselor, shopper, packer (as we’re about to move), and on and on. Over the past year, the Lord has been reemphasizing to me the priority of my relationship with Him (in the midst of chronic neuralgia from shingles) and it has been a blessing.

  20. Having three kids under 4 I wear a multitude of hats and often feel that I can’t sit still because otherwise it won’t get done. I don’t want my kids growing up with a mom who was too busy just to be in the moment. I’m realizing I need to learn to sit and just be sometimes.

  21. So many hats for all of us – parent, counselor, friend, someone who listens, advice giver, healer, supporter, maker, baker, cleaner, driver, money-giver, time-giver, etc. It is so much easier when we step back and let God direct our day! Thanks for letting us know we are not alone.

  22. I wear the hats of wife, mother, daugther, teacher, friend, and most importantly daughter of Christ. Those are my main hats, but then I also this year, I also wore cheerleader, chef, maid, activity planner, chauffeur, and more at home, while being a social worker, cheerleader, nurse, psychologist, referee, and mother figure to many of my students in an intense inner city school. It was exhausting to the point of burn out. Taking the time this summer to press pause while I re group for God to give me my next teaching assignment that will better honor Him and my family.

  23. I have a dear niece who has 3 1/2 year old, 23 month old, and 3 1/2 month old. Husband who left pastorate in August and started new job/career about 2 months ago.
    I think this book would help her gain traction and strength.

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