
Scatter Kindness Giveaway

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Scatter some unusual kindness today with Karen Ehman at Proverbs 31 Devotion plus a giveaway of Listen Love Repeat.

Welcome to those who have clicked your way over after reading my Proverbs 31 Ministries devotion How to Scatter Unusual Kindness(If you haven’t read it yet, click here to do so.)

In the devotion, I talked about how our acts of kindness can morph into the unusual category to make someone else’s day and yours too! This is the message of my Listen Love Repeat book. I hope you will join us as we study what God’s Word has to say about scattering kindness at Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Studies starting on Monday.

The Giveaway!

GIVEAWAY has ended. Congrats Diane (left message march 28, 2017 at 3:23 pm) – please check your email for more info or email your mailing address to [email protected]. Enjoy!

To help you scatter your own unusual kindness, I’m giving away a Scatter Kindness mug and two copies of my Listen Love Repeat book so you and a friend can join us for our Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study.

Mug and Listen Love Repeat books giveaway at karenehman.com.

To be entered to win, leave a comment telling us the kindest thing someone (perhaps a stranger) has ever done for you, or give us an idea you have done for a friend or stranger to show unusual kindness. (U.S. Addresses only please).  I will pick a winner at random tomorrow morning and update this post with the announcement of the winner.

Alright….let’s share some ideas about scattering kindness!

**if you are reading this in email, click here to comment on the blog.**

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  1. My friend’s brother is recovering from a hip replacement due to a fall. He is developmentally delayed also. I went to visit him at the hospital on Sunday. It really pleased him that I went to visit him. He will be in rehab 2 -3 weeks.

  2. Covering for a coworker whose husband was in an awful accident. He is fully recovered but it was nice for her not to have to worry about her job during such a stressful time..

  3. I can’t possible say all the kind things people have done for me but to me the kindest thing we can do for others is just to say a kind, encouraging word and smile at people.

  4. On a very cold and icy day I was leaving my workplace. A stranger approached me stating,’ that he would never forgive himself if I fell” and he grabbed my arm, and walked me to my car. I was relieved with his help. It was greatly appreciated. I never saw his face. He vanished quickly. But I was thankful to God that he was willing to approach me and help me through that treacherous walk on that ice and getting me safely to my car that day. His kindness was more than touching. To this day, I think about that act of kindness from that stranger.

  5. Good afternoon…I just wanted you to know I really enjoyed your story/devo today; a few of the ladies’ stories really touched my heart; thank you for this devo…it actually helped make my day…my hubby & I try to find opportunities when they present themselves to help someone out…thanks again….Karen….

    Have a blessed day….guys……Kathy W…

  6. I don’t really have any spectacular story about acts of kindness. I receive them all the time. Just a smile sometimes or a sweet note from a friend that arrives at just the right moment. I try to find opportunities to be kind, lately I watch for elderly people who may need a hand with finding something or just a few minutes to chat. Kindness should happen all day long and just be a part of our natural response to others. I just love it when I can make someone feel like someone sees them and cares. Vicki

  7. I work with disabilities older adults…
    Every year I would cook/ order holdiay meals for one of my person served because he was the only child and didnt have any relatives… I always surprise him with Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas cooked meals for him to enjoy so he doesnt feel left out.

  8. Having a special needs kid with social and behavioral? issues is tough, not only physically? and emotionally, but financially as well. We were leaving his psychologist’s office when the receptionist told me another patient had paid off our entire bill!! It was about two weeks before Christmas, we had expected this bill to be over $200 and the stranger was willing to pay it all. ( It turned out to be about $30, but that $30 payment just filled my heart! ) What a beautiful blessing it was not just to me, but also to the office staff who witnessed it…. And such an encouragement to this weary mama.

    1. Julia, this special needs momma can certainly understand that was an unusual act of kindness. WOW – what a gift to you!

  9. When I finally got pregnant with my son things were tight financially but we didn’t say anything because the Lord always provides… sure enough we received $9,000 from a friend which purchased a bigger car and everything we needed for bubs! It was an incredible blessing!

  10. One of the kindest touches shared with our family was when I had surgery for breast cancer the week before spring break. Obviously I wasn’t going to be any fun that week, but the family of my 10 year old daughter’s friend called to invite her on their family vacation that week. She called every night and had the time of her life away from all the reminders of the cancer. That was 5 years ago but such a blessing!

  11. Several years ago when my oldest son was in high school and just out he was the drummer for our church praise team. He played at our contemporary service and an elderly member came every Sunday for service and in her words “see the drummer”. She took a shine to my son and every now and again would slip him what she called pocket cash because she knew he was a hardworking school kid and wanted to help him. This is not directly an act of kindness to me but giving love to my child is more precious to my heart.

  12. Every year we save up our loose dollar bills and in November and early December we go out to restaurants (usually our local Waffle Houses) and give a $100 tip to our waitress. We save up enough to do this 3 times. We have a family prayer before we leave praying that the person we get as our waitress is the person God wants us to bless. We put the tip in an envelope and give it to them on the way out. Then we run like crazy so we can hide in our car and watch them open it! The last year, the waitresses caught us and gave us big hugs and thanks. It is definitely more of a blessing to us than to them!

  13. I could only afford a cut for my hair last year on my birthday and when I showed up to the salon my friend had paid for me to get a wash, cut and style! It was such a wonderful surprise and a wonderful pampering :)

  14. Once when my car caught fire on a tiny, dangerous mountain road, a stranger pulled up behind me, leaped out of his car, whipped out a fire extinguisher and put the fire out. Then he got in his car and took off so fast, I barely had time to thank him.
    The mechanic later told me the damage to the car was minimal because the fire had been put out so quickly. That kind stranger really helped me out!

  15. The nicest thing that a stranger did for me. I was a brand beware mom and I had to take my son to a doctor and appointment. I was also baby sitting my 10 month old nephew. His mother wasn’t able to come home to get him so I had to take him with me to my son’s appointment. Well it’s was February and plenty of snow and ice. I fell while carrying both babies in the middle of the parking lot. A guy stopped his car and got out and helped me get the babies and myself together. Oh, the babies were fine I managed to fall my son was in his carrier and my nephew landed on top of me. I was the only one bruised and embarrassed.

  16. Many years ago I was going through a painful time and began receiving a thinking of you card about every 2 weeks. The cards included a handwritten message of encouragement but no signature. I also received during that time a Bible for a Christmas present with an encouraging word written inside the cover but no signature. To this day I don’t know who that person was but it helped me through a difficult time. God used a “mystery” person to encourage and lift my spirit.

  17. I like to pay for a service members meal if they are at a restaurant eating when I am there. Just a thank you for there sacrifice. I usually tell the waitress/waiter just tell them thank you from a Military Mom.

  18. I like to collect prayer requests from people as I go shopping or just out and about. I try to listen for the Holy Spirit’s prompting of who to ask. Recently, I asked the clerk who was filling the lettuce bin if she had any prayer requests, and she said, “I think I might start crying.” She shared that she had lost her primary job, and had needed to go back to working full time at this store. Even though she had applied at various other places in her new field, nothing had opened up, and she felt stuck and discouraged. We prayed together, right there in the produce aisle, and I still pray for her as she comes to mind.

  19. Was part of the launch team. Karen is on point with scattering kindness. Its a blessing to be able listen to the heart drops. Cant wait to study with all.

  20. Eight years ago my husband & I moved from TX back to the Midwest in the middle of Winter. I did not want to move back and I do not like Winter. We had sold our home and were renting an undesirable apartment with all of our belongings in storage except for our clothes and pets. I was job searching and sad. It was very cold and it had snowed 4 or so inches the night before and I was in traffic headed for an interview. When the traffic stopped the snow from the roof of my car slide down onto my windshield and I could see nothing. From my side mirror the traffic was non-stop. I felt hopeless and sad wondering how I could get out and remove the snow so that I could see to move forward. Out of the blue the man (my angel) jumped out of the passenger side of the truck in front of me cleared my windshield & jumped back into his truck right as the light was turning green. I wanted so much to thank him! I felt truly blessed at his act of kindness.

  21. Hello Karen, Looking forward to reading the book and sharing the ideas with our family. A lady was leaving the store today with a full cart and she had a newborn and a toddler too. Followed her to her vehicle and put her groceries in the car for her and took her cart for her. I told her God’s Blessings on her day and Cherish this journey it goes so quickly!!! They will know we are Christians by our love. My mother always use to say it is the little things that matter most.

  22. The kindest thing someone did for me was really quite a simple gesture, but at the time, it meant so much!! A friend of our family had recently suffered a wife leaving he and his three children. He was struggling to perform all the new found necessary responsibilites along with his previous ones. My husband and I had done the best we could to pitch in, but it was a minimal amount.
    Our wedding anniversary was coming up, and with three children of our own, and family and friends busy and out of town, we planned to have a “home date”. The friend mentioned previously contacted my husband and offered to watch our three kids (along with his 3) so that we could go out and celebrate.
    God used the selflessness of our friend to touch my heart and grow me in the ways I serve and love others.

  23. My 5 year old has always been a very affectionate boy. He loves to cuddle, snuggle, and give hugs. He’s always more than willing to give hugs and say “I love you,” but it doesn’t really go much beyond that.

    A while back I was going through a really rough time. I was holding in a lot of anxiety and getting really down on myself. One morning I decided to wear a dress to work instead of my usual dress pants. On his way to brush his teeth, my little guy stopped dead in his tracks and just looked at me. When I finally turned to see why he was just standing there, he said to me, “Momma, you look so beautiful today!”

    It was just what I needed to hear. That moment was the start of my upswing and my way out of the anxiety/depression that I was falling deeper and deeper into.

  24. I took care of my mother, who was a widow, in her final years. I had not been able to go to church or sing in the choir for couple of years. After my mother passed away, people from choir reached out to me, telling me that they missed me and they asked me to come back to choir. One of my sisters in Christ offered to pick me up and drive me to choir practice. I accepted and was welcomed back warmly. Singing in the choir again helped me heal from my grief and mourning, over time. It is good to have such nice sisters and brothers in Christ who showed kindness to me.

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