God Wants His Job Back Giveaway

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NOTE: There seems to have been a glitch on the Crosswalk.com site and an old devotion of mine ran instead of the correct one.  The correct one is called God Wants His Job Back? Click here to take a peek and so you’ll know what I am referring to in this post. We’ll wait while you do. Be sure to come back for the giveaway!


Do you too like to call the shots, be in charge, run the show?

Welcome to the control freaks club. :)

If you, like me, struggle with wanting to situate people and manipulate outcomes, here a few quotes taken from my newly released book and 6-week dvd Bible study: LET. IT. GO. How to Stop Running the Show & Start Walking in Faith.

“Where you can get yourself (and your emotions) in a tangled-up mess is when you act before you pray. Leap before you look. Cart before the horse in a race to your own coveted finish. Yes, do what you can — prayerfully and carefully — but leave the results to God. Your job is obedience. God’s job is results.”

“There exists a miniscule line between being conscientious and being controlling. A marker so fine, we women often cross it without even noticing that it’s stretched out right there in front of us, waiting to trip us up. What we must do is determine the difference between being conscientious (our part) and being in control (God’s job).”

And perhaps the whole book is best summed up by my friend Liz’s description of it:

“Especially written for wives and mothers who try to control everyone and everything around them (believe me, I get this!), Let. It. Go.offers solid advice, wise counsel, and a healthy dose of humor. Full of why-to and how-to suggestions, plus helpful tools to measure what needs fixing, Karen Ehman’s book goes right to the heart of the issue: ‘are we trying to be godly or are we trying to be God?’

Liz Curtis Higgs, author of The Girl’s Still Got It

I hope you’ll get a copy for yourself….and maybe for a control-freak friend or relative? ;)

Through the remainder of November, ALL PRODUCTS purchase through Proverbs 31 Ministries are 25% off! Whoo-hoo! Christmas shopping time! Click here to order.

Speaking of Christmas, would you like to join over 6500 women and get my free resource From Chaos to Calm: The LET. IT. GO. Christmas Challenge? You might just win a Kindle Fire for participating!

Do you often have Norman Rockwell-like expectations about the holidays — the decorations, the food, the gifts, the activity — laden schedule, the family get-togethers?

There are many areas where women want to exert control ensuring the perfect yuletide season. What if we learned instead to let go of unrealistic expectations and embrace an “out-of-control” Christmas this year: relaxing and relating in a peaceful manner while letting others offer input and ultimately allowing God to call the shots?

This five-day challenge will allow Christmas to go from chaos to calm as you learn to control what you should and trust God with what you can’t. The result? Less stressing and more blessing!  Click here for the free sign up.

And, as promised in the devotion, here is the giveaway:

It includes a copy of the book, a Cinnamon stick candle from the White barn Company and some Starbucks cinnamon coffee.

And finally, the LET. IT. GO. blog tour continues where we are giving away a second Kindle Fire. Today’s posts are found at my friends’ blogs: Kara Chupp’s  Arlene Pellicane’s  Goodbye, house. Hello, home! Getting Freedom

To find even more bloggers participating, click here.

Now, to leave a comment to win the giveaway, tell me, which area do you struggle the most with wanting to control, your husband’s behavior, the kids’ behavior, your schedule, the house, or circumstances in general? Or is it something else? Please share.

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  1. I simply struggle…struggle with my home wanting it to look perfect so that if someone stops by I am not embarassed, I struggle with wanting my children to be perfectly behaved, I struggle with trying to be someone I clearly am not, I struggle with a sister who often doesn’t think before speaking to me and therefore I feel like I am always wrong. I so need this book so that maybe I can learn to just let it go!

    May you be blessed today….
    Smiles & Blessings,
    Robin :)

  2. Doing things my way…I am working on letting my hubby and kids do things their way instead of me correcting them to do it my way. Would love a copy of your book to help me out!

  3. I use to have the problem of wanting to control everything in my life to the smallest detail so much that I would get on my hands and knees and scrub every little spot on the carpet daily. I learned the reason behind it and replaced those lies with Gods truth. I still have trouble with continually taking the role of Head of household because I had to be that for so long. Its been a struggle to let my husband take the role on 100%. I recently discovered that I have this issue and it is disturbing because now I see how my actions have dishonored and disrespected my loving husband.

  4. Oh goodness. Does this speak to me or what? I’m sooooo bad about trying to control it all! So much so that my husband reminds me at least once a week ” honey, remember you’re not in control, God is!” My response is always ” I know, I know” . Then I ask for forgiveness! My control issue is SEVERE! From the kids behavior to husbands behavior and even silly things that are WAY out of my control like I MUST drive! I can’t stand to ride in a car. Why? Because silly ol me thinks that it’s safer when I drive! YES! It’s silly I know! Because that’s something that is wayyyyy out of my control, but I’ve always been that way! My husband also reminds me that my 3 children can not live inside a bubble wrap ball to keep them protected! ugh! HELP! Lol
    I would so love to win this book! As you can tell….. I could definitely use it.

  5. I am a person who tries to control every situation that arises by ‘fixing’ everyone’s problem. No matter what the situation is I either fix it myself or I try to find someone who can (if I can’t). I get anxious, nervous, frustrated, and sometimes depressed because I feel ‘helpless’ when I can control and fix everything.

  6. Unfortunately, I struggle to control just about everything. Asking God to help me surrender it all to Him and become obedient to Him has always been my struggle.

  7. My house is definitely the frist I want to control but seem to have lost control of. My kids are second in line. In so many ways the two go together. Why can’t I control my house…could it be because I can’t control my kids? I can’t wait to dig into your book! God bless!

  8. I am very unsettled when I do not know what’s ahead because I like being in control of schedules and circumstances. It really throws me off when things don’t go as I’ve planned. This book looks very helpful!

  9. I want to control everything! I am the extreme control freak. My schedule, my children, my husband, my circumstances! I have subscribed to your 5 days of Holiday Control Cleansing. I WILL let go this holiday season…it’s got to be better than how the holidays normally turn out.

  10. I struggle with trying to control my kids. I recently realized I am smothering them with rules because I am overcompensating from my own childhood of no rules. Just this week, I started my first step of trying to “Let. It. Go.” Our oldest daughter is 13, so I don’t have long to get it right before she starts to rebel from her overprotective controlling parents. Thank you for writing a book for those of us trying to raise them up in the Word, but forgetting who is actually in control. We need help!!

  11. I struggle with giving God control over my circumstances. I wish I knew what he was trying to teach me and why things are the way they are. My husband and I have struggled financially even though we feel like we make wise financial decisions. He’s been laid off twice and we are currently both unemployed and trying to find jobs. I know God has provided for us in the past and has continued to but in my finite view of things it seems like everything is starting to fall apart and there is nothing I can do about it.

  12. Ugh- what DON’T I struggle with trying to control? Definitely my kids – I have 3 boys (and I even tried to control that, I admit my disappointment at not having a girl)!! I try to control my house and schedule and constantly feel behind and overwhelmed. :( I hope I win this book, but if not, it’s definitely on my Christmas list!!

  13. What do I NOT like to control? ;) If I had to reveal just one area that I struggle MOST it would be wanting to control my son’s behavior. Mostly when we’re in public. I grew up with one sister, so having a boy (who is definitely ALL boy… read: can’t sit still, likes to be loud…) is a bit of a challenge. I’d love to “give God His job back”. LOL.

    I said it on Pinterest and I’ll say it again: Best giveaway name EVER! ;)


  14. I try to control my schedule and those around me. For example, I like to know by mid-July our exact plans Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. I did the challenge last week and am working to be better at this. Would love the book.

  15. I try to control my image. I tend to say yes to too much to make myself look organized and competent and to feel needed while things go to pot where it matters most…in my quiet time, my relationships, my responsibilities…so my frustration level rises as I struggle with too much to do and too little time to do it. I don’t want to seem what I’m not…I just have an oversized picture in my mind of what all I’d like to do…even good things at church, for my family, etc.

  16. I struggle with letting my husband discipline the kids, take us to a location the way he thinks we should go and not the way I think we should go….and having everything together @ home, only to feel frustrated when I fall short:/

  17. I want to control my free time and not have it “interrupted”. I like to have a plan and be able to follow through with it. I know this study would be great for me!

  18. I want to control circumstances in general…the way people “make” me feel and the way certain situations can leave me so stressed!

  19. Wow! What a loaded question! I am in recovery of a panic/anxiety disorder, depression, PTSD, and Broderline Personality Dosorder. While I try to be defined by the woman God made me to be, I really struggle with letting control go, over almost everything. Having been raised in a home of severe neglect and abuse and also being abandoned at a young age I had a really long struggle with who I was. I know now that I am a daughter of Christ, a beautiful wife to my husband, and a blessing to those around me. That doesn’t mean I don’t forget and try to take the reins back from God! I also really struggle with being human, it comes from being abandoned as well. I also want to do the best, and be the best at everything, often I have to remind myself to slow down and do MY best. Gos only calls us to be the very best of ourselves, and He is there to pick up where we can’t! Praise the Lord!

  20. I try to realize that I don’t have to control everyone’s jobs and how they do them at school. I have a compassionate heart for teenagers and when I see other people being “clueless” I want to tell them what they’re doing wrong. It’s not my job to do that. It’s not my job to fix things that other people don’t do or mess up. I can help but I need to mind my own business and not be critical. :)

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