Happy Wives Club Giveaway with Fawn Weaver

Okay friends…here is another treat for you!  Fawn Weaver, a successful business executive and marriage advocate is here today sharing her journey on finding happy wives and marriages across the globe.  Plus she is giving away three autographed copies of her debut book, Happy Wives Club.

Now meet Fawn Weaver, in her own words.


 I “love my life as K. Weaver’s wife” (exactly what is written on my car license plate frame).  My husband, Keith, and I were married in 2003 and like fine wine our relationship just gets better with time.  I’ve loved being a wife from the moment I said “I do.”

I’m not a stay-at-home wife, I’m a former hotel general manager-turned real estate investor-turned USA Today® and New York Times® bestselling author.  I’ve always worked long hours, as does Keith, but we continue to keep the fire lit in our marriage.  I absolutely love being married and began wondering how many other wives there are like me.

I am a Proud Wife.  I am a Happy Wife.  But if I actually believed the television shows, magazine articles or books out at the moment, I’d think the term “Happy Wife” is an oxymoron and the enjoyment I’ve experienced throughout these years together is an anomaly.

Decades of the media bombarding us with visions of unhappy wives (Stepford Wives, Desperate Housewives, The Real Housewives of [fill in your town]) and daunting divorce statistics made me think about the rarity of my marriage and the joy I feel as a wife.  Then it hit me!  I can’t be the only one.  There must be others out there who view marriage and spending time with their husband as one of the absolute greatest blessings in their life.

With this thought in mind, I set out on a mission.  I believe there are millions of wives all over the world just like me and I’m determined to find them and give a voice to this seemingly rare woman conveniently missing from all forms of media and entertainment.

On a whim, Fawn started the blog HappyWivesClub.com and sent the link to 5 friends. What started as a casual invitation to five women exploded into an international online club with 150,000 members in more than 100 countries.  

Founded  in 2010, HappyWivesClub.com  has now grown into a community of more than 600,000 women in more than 110 countries. This upbeat blog is dedicated to positively changing the tone about marriage. It has attracted more than 5 million visitors and was twice named best marriage website by About.com (2012 & 2013).

Fawn’s debut book, Happy Wives Club is her journey across the world to meet new friends and discover what makes their marriages great. Join Fawn on this exciting, exotic trip across six continents and through more than eighteen cities.

Walk the streets of Mauritius, the historic ruins in Italy, and the vistas of New Zealand and Australia. Go from Cape Town to London, Manila to Buenos Aires, Winnipeg to Zagreb.

Along the way, you will meet everyday women whose marriage secrets span cultures. You will hear their stories, witness their love, and be inspired by the proof that happy, healthy marriages do exist—and yours can be one of them!

It turns out great marriages are all around us—when we look for them. Go on a trip with Fawn and learn the best marriage secrets the world has to offer.

Now for the giveaway. happy wives  3

Three fabulous people will win an autographed copy of Fawn’s book Happy Wives Club.  Leave a comment below on what “secret” has helped you to make your marriage happier or one piece of advice you would give to a wife just starting out that would help her to be a Happy Wife.

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  1. Love your husband for who he is. Don’t try to change him to the person YOU want him to be. Embrace who he is right now – a gift from God.

  2. First of all, thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of this book! My husband and I have been married for over 30 years. We still enjoy just talking late at night and sitting on the deck together! We have started a new “hobby” of bird watching. Earlier this spring, I made the comment that I would like for a section of our back yard to be like a “bird sanctuary”. He got busy building birdhouses and trellises and I got busy planting flowers and shrubs and we both put up feeders and a birdbath! Just today, we got our “official” birding identification books. We had been calling some birds such as helmentheads rather than their name, because we just didn’t know what it was! We are still looking for that particular bird in the book, but we now know that we have seen painted buntings, eastern bluebirds, carolina wrens, and the ever present blue jays, crows, mockingbirds and robins. We even have a pair of roadrunners nesting somewhere near here, because we see them often. I did not realize how large they are!

  3. We keep Christ as the center of our marriage and we each realize that marriage is not 50/50, it’s 100/100. There are days I can’t give a full 100, but my husband can; conversely, I strive to give 100% on the days when he can’t. Through child-rearing, illness/injury, times of low income and times of more than enough, we’ve come out stronger because we did it together and followed those two tenets (and much more advice, but those two are big!).

  4. No matter how mad, never use the word “Divorce”. Always keep an eternal perspective and question “does this issue really matter in the big perspective of life?”

    Would love this book. Thanks!

  5. The first law to a happy relationship is: Thou shall not be far from God. This is how it works: Imagine a triangle where you are at one of the bottom corners and the person you love is at the opposite one. At the top of the triangle is God Himself and with Him, all the attributes of true love: respect, friendship, affection, justice, faithfulness, etc. When you and your partner get closer to the upper corner of the triangle, that is, closer to God, you get closer to each other and to true love. (from http://www.renatocardoso.com/en/the-love-triangle/)

  6. After nearly 30 years of marriage, my advice is to keep the lines of communication open. Avoid the words “whatever” and “I don’t care” as answers to questions, and especially “whatever” as a response to anything. Tone of voice and choice of words are paramount, so pay close attention to both at all times.

  7. The best advice I was given was to pray for my marriage and never let pride get in your way. Fortunately for me, I married the most amazing man EVER. Before my husband, I had been in a terribly abusive relationship and was at a point where I didn’t even think I deserved any better. God rescued my heart and showed me that indeed He loves me and He had far better for me. I just needed to go go go. And I did. My husband and I never tire of saying I love you, we never go to bed without that declaration and a kiss and we don’t leave the house without it being said.
    There is something that we have not done enough of which is date nights, but we are trying to make that a priority even if it only involves sitting on the deck together one evening a week with an iced tea.

  8. I’m only in the second year of marriage. It has been a challenge but one of the best of my life! I love being married and only want to make choices that will lift our marraige up and protect it.
    Super excited about this book! :)

  9. Always remembering why I said I do in the first place! Remembering our friendship. Being a united front & we can discuss differences later. Realizing at times the other one needs to be strong & the other needs to lean. :)

  10. Secret?! I am still searching for that! But something that has helped me most is doing my work for the Lord and to the Lord, instead of my husband. Also during communication use “I” statements, instead of “you” statements(I feel_______, when this happens. Instead of You made me feel bad). Pray daily with your husband and find a bible study to do together.

  11. I have read some wonderful comments. My husband and I just celebrated 40 years of marriage. I must admit I was told our marriage would not work since we were so young. I was devastated to hear people say that to me especially my relatives! My own mother did not encourage me much. I suppose hearing those comments made me put my heels down and prove them wrong! I married my best friend, we were both 18 just out of high school, going to change the world! We were not without our difficulties along the way, job lay-offs, learning to figure each other out (likes and dislikes), financial challenges but I feel we did OK. We had 2 boys (now adults both Marines), who are fine young men, had a great time raising them, proud of them too! Thru our growing up together years (we are still enjoying growing up) facing all that we have faced together some good and some a little more challenging, we still love spending time together whether it is sitting together on the deck, watching TV, catching up with him after he has been on the road, cooking together or just dancing with him when he grabs me even if there is not music playing! He is a WONDERFUL and thoughtful husband who I am blessed to have!

  12. My advise is to do things for your husband that you would enjoy having done for you. I also know that my husband craves touch and I try daily to make sure his touch tank is full. I’m not always successful but I definitely try. I
    I love being his wife :)

  13. My husband and I just celebrated 37 years of marriage. We are not perfect, but we are perfect for each other because God chose us for each other. Years ago when we were pregnant with our first child my Grandmother told us to always remember that we were a couple before we were parents and to make sure we continue to nourish our “couple relationship”. And we have. In the early years we could only date about once every other month. And sometimes that date had to be after the children were asleep and we were in our living room just holding hands and talking without interruptions. But as our children got older we were able to date once a week. And now, even though all three of our sons are grown and out on their own, we still date once a week. We have our alone/separate time, all couples need that, but our favorite time is our together time. We love each other and love each other’s company. He’s the greatest!

  14. When you have children…make time for your husband. I know with a new born it’s hard when you are exhausted times 10, but make time for him. I have 21 month old and I am due with #2 any day now. I still make time for him and it makes a difference in our relationship. I had to learn the hard way.

  15. There are 2 things that have made my marriage wonderful- first – I married my best friend and second the minister warned us during our wedding ceremony “this will be the most difficult job you will ever have.” Having our eyes open that it wasn’t all bliss was huge and then we remember that a cord of three is hard to break- (my husband, God and I)

  16. Love and forgive one another with God’s love abd forgiveness..choose to grow together. Ask God to grow you first. Be his friend always.

  17. I believe it is about CHOICE not feelings. I choose every day to love, forgive, serve, etc my husband. I choose to believe the Bible and not the world.

  18. My husband and I have been married for 30 years. We have been blessed with five children and now a grandson. My best piece of advice is to choose to be married to your husband everyday! Marriage is hard work and never predictable. My prayers each day are for our marriage and the wisdom to make the right choices. We are a team bound by our vows so there is no “I” in team. Marriage is a wonderful gift !

  19. I think at this point, after 22 years of marriage, 3 kids in a wide range of ages, and several moves, the piece of advice I’d give to a newly married woman is to ‘find what works for you and your husband’. These (above) are all great pieces of advice and parents may pass on a nugget or model wonderful marriages, but in the end each relationship is as unique as the two people involved in it. My husband’s parents and my parents are still together after over 40 years of marriage each, yet our relationship only slightly resembles theirs. The advice of listening to your husband, talking things out, and date nights are wonderful, but if I used them to define my marriage as happy, it would fall woefully short. He’s not a talker (communicator of any sort), but I am; he’s not a planner, but I am; he’s not a spender; but I am! We like different shows on TV, different kinds of movie; I love to read, but he never picks up a book. I love to have a nice dinner; he could eat cereal & pizza. Instead, we play to our strengths, we divide & conquer many of the tasks at hand, and share the same base values of faith, family first, and growing to like the things the other person likes. He’ll watch the quirky murder mystery shows I like and I’ll stay up past my bedtime & even watch a game, just so we can spend time together. Marriage is a give & take, and when it’s done with a joyful, loving heart, it will be loving & long.

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