Update With Election Ideas and Prayer and Fasting




Time to be serious.

Will you consider praying and even fasting today for this important election? My heart has never been more unsettled when I think of the effects of a presidential race, especially when it comes to the Supreme Court justice appointments that the next president will be able to make. This election could literally affect the shaping of our nation for the next 30 years!!!

I am sure many are praying today. But will you also consider fasting too? The Bible is clear that there are just certain things that won’t happen until we fast. Now, if you are not accustomed to this spiritual discipline, I am in no way suggesting you stop eating any all all morsels of food until the polls close tomorrow night. Fasting is serious and total abstinence from food needs to be done with a little more preparation than just stopping all eating cold turkey. But how about a partial fast? Give up meat. Eat no sweets. Forgo everything but fruits and vegetables. Skip just your noontime meal today and drink fruit juice instead. Or get more creative. Fast from listening to music. Turn off the TV. Anything you can do to deny yourself, free up some time and pray instead.

I’d planned on posting some fun election day ideas and recipes that we have developed as traditions over the years, but felt lead to ask you to join me in this instead. Perhaps I’ll jump on this evening and write up my original idea, but in the mean time I want to urge you to seriously use today as a day to communicate with God in a very real and meaningful day as you bring our country and our children’s future before his mighty throne.

Are you in?

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.”

II Chronicles 7:14-15

Election Eve Blessings,


Okay, as promised, some election day ideas we have done with our kiddos over the years:

Serve some fun, American food. 

  • Try hot dogs and apple pie for something easy. 
  • Red, white and blue jello treats for a bit more complicated fare. Simply make finger jello from blue raspberry and cherry or strawberry jello. Cut in squares and serve with a squirt of real whipped cream on it.
  • Make a stars and stripes tart. Simply press sugar cookie dough into a 9 X 13 inch pan. Bake until just barely done but not over browned. Spread with cream cheese frosting and garnish with fresh blueberries and strawberry slices to form a flag shape. Brush lightly with warmed apple jelly that had been popped in the microwave for 15 seconds or so.
  • Serve Senate Bean Soup. I found this recipe in an antique cookbook. It is served daily in the US Senate. Delicious with some fresh baked bread. It does need to be started early in the day to be ready for supper. For a short cut, use a jar of cooked northern beans and some cooked, chopped ham.

Teach about the electoral college.


  • Many kids (and adults) do not understand that our president is not elected by popular vote but rather 50 separate state elections. For an explanation of the electoral college, visit the School House Rock video on You tube.
  • To help further drive home the electoral college concept, get your kids each a blank map of the United States either on line or from a school supply store. You can also sometimes find laminated maps that are place mats. They have the states labeled on one side and the flip side is blank. Use the blank side. Give each child a blue and red crayon or marker. As the results come in, have them color the states red (Republican) or blue (Democrat). Then on a piece of paper or white board, keep a running total of the electoral votes to see who gets to the magic number of 270 to win the White House.
Whatever you do, pray with your kids about the future and encourage them to place their trust in the big “G”–God, not the little “g”–government.

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  1. I have had many conversations with my grown children about this election and the importance of engaging in the voting process. It is a critical time. For the first time since I have had the privilege of voting we may see the rights that we have come to cherish slowly slip away.

    If one party gets control of all 3 legislative branches, with the media firmly entrenched in their camp, the checks and balance system will be threatened.

    Our God is mighty and He will prevail through any turmoil we might face. However, he has called us to stand up and stand firm. The shifting sands may cause our nation to stumble but our faith is secure on the Solid Rock.

  2. Karen,
    Rick’s CD arrived in the mail today; just in time to aid in my prayer and fasting for the election. WOO HOO. I absolutely love it and I can not wait for the next one. Keep me updated on its availability.

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