
I Want All The Answers Now

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d8.22Did you find your way here after reading my Proverbs 31 devotion today called I Want All The Answers Now? If so, welcome!

If not, this devotion is on wanting God to “spiritually skywrite”, telling us just the whats and whys of life along the way rather than making us wait. {Sometimes a loooooong time!} You can read the devotion by clicking here but be sure to come back here to share a prayer request and enter to win a copy of my book and Bible study curriculum LET. IT. GO. How to Stop Running the Show & Start Walking in Faith. 

Okay……..are you back? Great!

In the devotion I say:

By God not giving us explanations at each turn, it builds our faith. We can go to Him in prayer asking Him to calm our anxious hearts. We can ask Him to increase our faith so we aren’t consumed by the questions, and help us trust that He — the ever-wise parent — has good in mind for us.

It is God’s job to unfold our future. It is our job to trust and glorify Him as He does. Let’s stop asking Him to spiritually skywrite all the answers and let’s write His promises on our hearts instead. And then? Let’s live like we believe them.

So, what prayer requests do you have? Please share them here. {I’ll be popping in here on and off over the weekend to see your requests and pray. And I hope you all will pray for each other. Using the “reply” feature to someone’s comment and actually telling them you are praying, or even typing out a short prayer, is so uplifting and I encourage you to do so.}

let-it-go-bundleOne person will be chosen from among the comments and replies to win a copy of my book LET. IT. GO.: How to Stop Running the Show & Start Walking in Faith, along with the 6-week DVD teaching series including one Bible study guide.

You may watch and do this Bible study alone or gather a few friends or church members and form a group.

LET. IT. GO. is a somewhat humorous, yet spiritually practical book will help you to:

  • Take control of your schedule yet welcome interruptions from God
  • Draw the line between mothering and micromanaging
  • Influence your husband instead of manipulating him
  • Learn to control your emotions when you can’t control the circumstances
  • Stop pursuing the appearance of perfection and start pursuing the person of God

Okay friends, what prayer requests do you have, especially the ones where you wish you had all the answers now?

{Don’t forget to hop on and reply to pray for others!}

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  1. Please pray for me. I have been unemployed for over a year. Lately, I’ve been having anxiety and panic attacks. I want the job that that Lord has for me! It is hard to wait. I am a teacher and have been hoping and praying for a teaching job, but as September gets closer, I am losing hope.

    1. Candie, I am praying for you… That your confidence will grow and you will find the right job. There is such a need for Christian teachers in the public schools and I believe if your heart is for teaching, that God will provide the job. Look yourself in the mirror, and remind yourself that you are a daughter of the KING. He LOVES you and wants the BEST for you. Be open to sub positions that may turn into a lasting position, but do NOT lose hope!

  2. Please pray for me to be directed to the job God has for me. I’ve been struggling for a long time to balance home, family, work, and my own needs. I’ve been a single parent well it seems like always and this past year with my 16 year old son has been very exhausting. I couldn’t keep focus and lost my job. Now am not able to find employment. I feel like today’s devotional was for me I keep asking WHY Lord? Seems the harder I try the worse things get. I don’t know how to release control and am afraid what will happen if I do. I’m a mess.

  3. Please pray for me. I had surgery this summer and really want to have children after 9 years of waiting. This surgery is another step in that direction and it looks positive so far. I am also a pastor’s wife and the struggle is real. There are many hurts and rejection involved in helping others along with the rewards of ministry. Please pray that I will lean on GOD and His strength during this difficult time for me and my hubby. Thanks!

  4. Please pray that I will have peace and will trust The Lord as my husband prepares to go on a mission trip to Africa. Most of the time I’m excited for him – but I have waves of great fear that come over me, too.

  5. We need prayer that we will let go and trust God with our future. Financially, things have been very difficult lately. We know, love, and trust God with all of our hearts, but it isn’t always easy to walk in faith. It amazes me that we trust Him with our salvation, but still worry about His provision!

  6. Golly, this describes right where I’m at today and the last few weeks. I guess I’m realizing how little I am in control, especially the last few weeks where so much of what was going on in our lives depended upon other people’s work and their communication. To help me focus and trust God even when I’m feeling anxious, I need to pray out loud and remind myself of God’s faithfulness.

  7. Hi, my prayer is for my children and whoa!! did you catch me right on time with the rebellious children that you just keep on praying for–and they still manage to be even more rebellious. What am I doing wrong–why is God punishing me so–why wont they at least do half-way right? Why is it that their wayward friends have more influence on them than me as mom? I get so frustrated seeing them move from God and I’m praying that God helps me in this endeavor to “Let go and Let God”–to make it more than just a cliche, but a way of thinking and living. I pray that He continues to guide me even the more as a parent and to accept His will as my own. I’m also praying about my finances–another job to make ends meet, my relationship and whether this is the man I really need in my life. I really like him, he’s a Christian man–but a widower–not too anxious to remarry. Pray that God will keep me please in perfect peace and again to lead me in HIS direction. Thank you so much for this opportunity and God bless you as well.

    1. GOD I pray for Nicole that you will encourage her as she trusts in you, she leans on you and she submits her life to your trustworthy leadership. Please help her as she knows deep in her heart that You are in control of her present and her future. Give her wisdom and the strength to believe that her children are in your hands. This too shall pass and the seeds she is planting in their lives will grow over time. Give her your direction in the relationship she is in…let your will be done. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

  8. Hi ladies, I really enjoyed the devotional today. Hit right at home for me, as I’m sure it did for many of you. I usually don’t like to ask for prayer for myself, but the past few months have been tough and while I find myself growing closer in my relationship to Christ, I am still wondering and waiting for guidance. My boyfriend decided to break up with me in June over an email. I was completely taken aback by this and went through a short period of grief and doubt about my abilities to even be in a relationship. I later found out that he had cheated on me with two other women prior to ending our relationship. I have yet to see him in person because he refuses to talk to me. I am also in limbo with my job situation. Currently working three jobs that only add up to 20 hours/week, making the payment of bills difficult but feasible. I am also in school, working on a thesis which is taking forever to complete due to a ton of paperwork that keeps getting pushed back for approval. Even after writing these things out, I feel extremely calm about my situation. I know that I will look back someday and thank God for letting me go through it all. I would ask that, if you think of me, pray that I will keep seeking Him no matter what happens next. Thank you!

    1. Lord I lift up Amanda to you & ask that you would bring her peace & healing from her breakup. Help her to see herself as You see her. I ask that as she seeks you that she would find comfort in You alone, & that you would lead her to a job that would allow her to use her gifts & abilities & that it would meet her needs. Amen.

  9. Hi. Please pray for a decision on who to see for physical therapy for my lower back and hips. I am trying to follow peace. Thank you.

    1. Praying that you are able to find a trusted physical therapist in your area, Marilyn. I am an exercise physiologist in Ohio, so I work fairly close to therapists in the rehab setting. There are definitely many options out there which can make the decision daunting. Seek out the opinions of those around you who may have had physical therapy recently. God often places others in our lives to help us get through the difficult moments.

  10. My husband and I have almost been married a year now (Yay!). It has been a great first year, but we are also at the stage of deciding and dreaming up things like, “Where do we want to live long term? Do we buy a house? When do we have kids?” etc… It’s really fun talking about these things, but also I do feel like I want the answers now. I know I shouldn’t think this way and I try not to, but it’s a struggle for sure! I would also appreciate prayer for learning what it means to put God first in my life now that I’m married. It’s been more of a struggle to spend time in the word on my own. This would most likely help me in all my other questions, I’m sure! :) Thank you for the prayers!

    1. Brittney, I’ve been married twenty-one years, but the fun of that dreaming and deciding stage never ends! I’m excited for you and I totally understand the feeling of WANTING TO KNOW how God’s plan for your life together is going to unfold. I think you are wise to recognize that putting God first is the key to finding your way through this exciting time (and all the decisions to come!). I love Christ’s promise in Matthew 6:33, 33 “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Sometimes God just wants us to seek Him instead of the answers, and when we do, we find He IS the answer that our heart desires. Praying expectantly over you today–“Jesus, please capture Brittney’s heart and woo her to yours. Teach her how to make YOU her first love and lead her in your ways. Please guide Brittney and her husband. Give them wisdom and plant YOUR dreams in their hearts. Thanks that your plans for them are “Immeasurably more than they can ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20)

  11. Please pray for me. My daughter just got married and within a month she wants a divorce. I have just found out that she married her husband and put us all through a wedding while she was also seeing someone else. Now she is blaming everyone else for the choices she has made and has basically dumped her husband in the trash and is seeing the other guy. She doesn’t even understand why we are all so hurt and angry and thinks she is right for making decisions that she feels are right for her. Pray with me that I can find some forgiveness and peace, that her husband can find some peace and God will comfort him, and that God will take my daughter in hand and speak to her heart and mind and cause her to realize what she has done and is doing and come to repent.

  12. Please use my entry to bless someone else with your wonderful book, Karen, but please keep my 10 year old daughter in your prayers. We just found out she has scoliosis. This diagnosis is just another of many difficult to endure medical conditions we have in our lives, and quite frankly, this last straw may just be the one to break me. So I guess I am also in need of prayers. I find it much easier to bear my own physical pain than to watch my children suffer through no fault of their own, so this will be a long, hard road.
    Thank you, and may God bless you all.

    1. Father I lift Geralyn and her family to you right now. Wrap them in Your loving embrace and fill them with your strength. Reveal the path before them as only You can, Lord, giving them peace and clarity with every step they take. Give wisdom to the doctors involved in not only the recent diagnosis, but any previous as well. Open eyes to Your presence in all of it, and fill everyone with discernment as to the next steps to take in all situations that present themselves. Let this family be a testimony to You, Lord. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

      1. Thank you, Nancy. I treasure your loving prayer and so very greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness in posting it.

  13. My prayer request is for my daughter. We dropped her off at college just a few days ago. She’s homesick and a little depressed. She is also having doubts about her faith. My prayer is that she will find her niche at college and her faith will be strengthened.

    1. Going off to college for the first time is so scary. As a recent college grad, I can honestly look back and say that it was the time of my life and the scary parts made it the experience that it was. Praying for us to trust that things can only go up from her. Praying for encouragement and fun activities brought her way so she feels at home.

  14. “Can you think of a situation where you wish God would just spiritually skywrite and give you the answer now? How might His delay in answering be teaching you to trust Him?” Our finances are a mess with credit card debt and medical bills which means my husband is flipping out-again. It is a constant source of contention for us, as he seems to qualify money and the appearance of having it as his value and status to others. I don’t really care about keeping up with the “Jones”, so to speak. I’m at a breaking point because he either outright blames me or gives me the cold shoulder and the whole house is walking on eggshells. The real torture for me is the realization that His delay in answering is to teach my husband to trust HIM. I frankly am fed up/exhausted/beat down/depressed/overwhelmed with having to suffer as we wait on him to trust God. It’s been 19 years, can’t your servant have a break please? So pray for me not to lose it and for my husband (type A, controller) to trust God-finally.

    1. While you are waiting, ask God to show you what you might do or say that could be positive into God’s plan.
      Father, I ask you to bless this household. You know the cause of the stress and the solution, I ask that Susan and her husband have peace that can only be given by you and the household will live in harmony with whatever changes that are needed for you to work you will show them clearing. Father I can see that Susan is patiently waiting on you as you have seen for the many years, fill her with your love, peace and understanding. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  15. Ladies,

    I am going through a very heartbreaking, unwanted breakup with a long-time boyfriend. It came completely out of the blue and I still do not know the reasons why. I pray that God brings us back together and heals the hearts of both of us involved. I am trying so hard to trust what God is doing for our relationship, but the waiting game is so hard. When I ask God to speak to me, all I hear is “wait”. Please pray that God intervenes between the two of us and builds us in his image and brings us back together.

    Thank you.

    1. Megan, I know from experience how challenging it can be to “wait on the Lord” but he tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I well know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans for a future and hope!” Praying for you that in your patience and waiting, God will reveal His Divine Plan for you…May your prayers be aligned with His Will! God bless!

  16. Just what I needed today. Due to health problems am currently unable to work. Trust is a big issue for me, but last night as I was figuring out how much longer the money in the bank account might last (any chance I can stretch it for 2 more months), made myself stop and tell God that I was choosing to trust Him, rather than worrying about it. I really need wisdom as to what to do and please pray that I will continue to trust God.

    1. “Dear Jesus, honor Holly’s desire to trust you during this difficult time. Please multiply her resources like loaves and fishes and meet her needs in the perfect way that only you can. Be her hope and her provision. Increase her faith and exceed her expectations. Thanks that in James 1:5 you promise to give wisdom to anyone who asks. And so, we ask for wisdom for your daughter, Holly. Please guide her ways one step at a time and carry her burdens. Trade her fear for faith and her worry for wonder as she walks with you day by day.”

  17. I am currently pregnant with my first baby and have been dealing with a lot of negativity around me.Those people who feel they need to repeatedly make negative comments to me, I pray that Our Lord opens their hearts to show love and understanding. I am really struggling with family members telling me each day how and what I should be doing for my baby. I pray that Our Lord lets me walk in faith and love, following His example during the rest of my pregnancy and for daughter when she is born. Amen.

    1. Father, thank you for Megan and the beautiful blessing you have given her to enjoy and nurture. Help Megan receive any help/advice that is given to her that you have sent through someone else but help her to let other help/advice/comments fall away that are not from you. Bring positive people into Megan’s life to speak to her and to help her grown in You and to be a mentor for her. Your will and love is always greater than what we face. Help Megan to walk in Your love and continue to help her faith strengthen so she will be the light of You for all to see. In Jesus Name, Amen.

      Megan continue to stand strong with God as He is showing you the way through all of this and will be with you no matter what.

  18. I’ve been praying over a relationship I was in for almost 10 months; but ended about 7 months ago. Longest relatioship I had been in since my divorce over 10 years ago. I’m still struggling with it at times. This man had been divorced for 12 or 13 years ago & has pretty much been alone most of the time since then; so it’s obvious he seems “stuck in his ways”. Also issues with finances (I’m aware I need to start doing some things differently….budgeting. My relationship with my 21 year old daughter has been tough on & off even after she’s moved back home a few months ago. Just been feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything today. Thanks for praying & I feel like I could really use your book.

  19. How beautiful to read and see faithful sisters lifting each other up in prayer. I pray for unity of spirit in the hearts of God’s precious daughters that we would love each other and not condemn/judge one another which is so easy to do.

    Lord God we NEED you! In so many areas of our broken lives we long to see you. Please draw near to us Father. May we seek You first in all we do. I pray for the hurts and pains of each one that have expressed their sorrows in this blog. Your will be done in our lives for Your glory. In Your precious and holy name, Jesus. Amen

    1. Debbie, I am saying this because it is true and I know it is not easy to do but the bitterness and anger is a choice. I know that it doesn’t feel like a choice but it is along with a lot of other stuff we do and say but God will help you.
      Father thank you for Debbie, give her your compassion so that she will let the bitterness go and the anger. Help her see Your love in the people so that she will make the choice to forgive and love when it is not logical. Thank you Father for Your love, grace and mercy. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  20. We are looking at following the leading of God to move away from the only place my husband and I have ever called home, with our children who were born and raised here. We are feeling called to another country and while we don’t have many of the why’s, how’s and where’s answered we have a few, and that needs to be enough for now. Please pray for peace for my heart, pray for the way to become clearer and our faith to grow. Please pray for us to wait on the Lord and do nothing outside His leading and will. We are doing great so far, but it is a struggle to wait and rest for this is such an exciting time to be sent out into the world to make disciples in the great name of Jesus! Thanks in advance!

  21. Wow! My problems seem small after reading all these. Lord I pray you would be with each person here. Bless them and draw them close in to your arms. Let them see Your love for them. Amen!
    Pray for my husband and I as he has had a difficult job change. Not making quite enough to cover bills but less stress and more time with us. Pray for us to trust God and reach for Him!

  22. I need to trust God. I have been praying for 10 years that God will allow me to be a stay at home mom with my kids. I am still working and feel like I am missing their lives and they get the worst of me…tired and angry.

    1. Leigh, are there things you can do to get to this point? I know it is a treasure to be home with your children, but I also give up so many things to do this. We live in a 90 year old house, drive 15-20 year old vehicles, don’t get to take vacations, we shop garage sales and rarely if ever buy new…etc…we actually moved out of the big city into a very small rural community so that I could stay home…it wouldn’t have been possible in the city with high mortgage and cost of living. Just wanted to encourage you to see if these may be areas that could help you stay home. I will be praying for you for peace and wisdom in hearing God in what is best for your family. :) God Bless you for wanting to make this sacrifice for your children!

  23. Selena, I pray that you would have peace and God’s wisdom at this time. I pray that Father God would give you the guidance that you seek, as nd that you can find a DivorceCare class at a local church that can help you process your feelings, so you will be surrounded by others going through the same thing you are. I pray that your depression be lifted by the power of the Holy Spirit. May God continue to bless you.
    My prayer request: that my reluctance to participate in life be lifted.

  24. Very timely devotion for me. I ask prayer for peace and guidance from the Lord. Recently divorced, feel like the Lord leading me to stand for my marriage. Husband not saved, that is why I agreed to divorce because it was Biblically sound since he asked and is an unbeliever. Just having problems with depression and wavering in my trust of the Lord’s plan in all this. Thanks and God bless.

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